2022年冀教版英语四下Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster(公开课)教案.pdfVIP

2022年冀教版英语四下Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster(公开课)教案.pdf

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Lesson 18 Maddy the Monster 教材分析: 本课是冀教版四年级下册小学英语第三单元第六课。本单元学生 学习讨论关于他们自己的一些句子和单词,包括如何谈论年龄,身高, 家庭住址及步行上学等日常事情,学生也能够谈论在他们世界里如何 表达喜欢的事物,在这个单元学生将进一步拓展他们的视野。 教学 目标: 1、完本钱课所涉及的小测试。 2、学生能够读懂故事书中的小故事。通过小测试及故事理解, 提高学生的阅读及听力理解能力,提高英语学习的兴趣。 教学重点:掌握小测试中的 6 个句子,并能灵活运用。 教学难点:听懂并理解故事内容,顺利完成相关练习。 学情分析: 四年级的学生已有一年的英语学习根底,对故事课的学习兴趣尤 其浓厚。加强学习习惯培养,帮助学生建立良好的学习行为和学习方 法。 教具、学具准备 录音磁带、PPT 教学过程 Class Opening and Review. (1) Greeting. (2) Chant and sing the song in this unit. (3) Play spell to review the main words in this unit. (4)Finish the quiz. A、Use the quiz as the listening exercise. The students finish it on the paper . Play the tape twice. Then check for understanding. B、 Ask them write the answer below each question . Story: Ma y the Monster Listen to the radio and think about these questions 1. Is Ma y big or little 2. Is she old or young 3. Is she too big or just right for the classroom 4. Is she too big or too small for the bus 5. Where does she live Discuss these questions then read the story. Use the activity book.No 2. Ask the students to listen carefully. Play the tape twice . 〔5〕Homework State the story by yourself. 第二课时 教学目标: 知识目标:1. player and team, game 2.win and lost 能力目标:1.Demonstrate “win〞 and “lose〞 after the game is done 2.play a game of “spelling Bee〞 情感目标: When you get lose, you don’t lose your heart. Try it again and again. You will win at last. 教学重点、难点: 1. words about the game 2.win and lose 教具、学具:A big picture of this lesson and a tape 教学过程: Class opening and review Play “Charades〞 to review occupations the students mastered in Levels 1, 2 and 7: teacher, clerk, cashier, waitress and bus driver. After the students have guessed these occupations, add “doctor〞 and “police officer〞. The stude



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