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Make It Happen 梦想成真;Make It Happen 梦想成真 AGENDA 日程安排;Agenda 日程安排;Agenda 日程安排 ;Programme Objectives 课程目标;The Big Picture: Objective 展示画卷-章节目标;Make it Happen 梦想成真;CROWNE PLAZA BRAND VALUES 皇冠假日品牌价值观;;CAPABLE 能力 To best support our guests in making things happen, we must be anticipative, competent and efficient in our professional duties, and must understand basic business needs. 为了最好的帮助我们的客人“梦想成真〞,我们必须 能够做到预计客人需求,在我们的专业领域能够胜 任并且高效的完成我们的工作,我们必须能够明白 客人的根本商务需求。;SENSITIVE 灵敏 We must understand that our guests are here to meet business objectives, so we have to be sensitive to their emotional needs. 我们必须明白客人来到我们酒店是因为他的商务需求,所以我们要对他的情感需求敏感。;SUPPORTIVE 支持 We have the infrastructure and people to back up our guests in their business operations. We provide them with all the essential ingredients for successful interactions. 我们需要拥有的基层员工和资源去支持客人的商务需求。 为了到达成功的互动,我们需要满足客人的根本需求。;TRUST 信任 All relationships are created on the basis of trust. And we must gain the trust of our guests by delivering on our promise. 所有的关系都建立在信任的根底之上,我们必须通过实现我们的承诺而获得客人的信任。;UNDERSTAND 理解 We are the people behind the scenes, working together with our guests, who are the real stars of the show. Our role is naturally one that is important, but as quiet and discreet as possible. 我们是幕后工作人员,为了使客人满意而通力合作。我们的客人,才是真正的舞台上的主角,我们的角色自然也很重要的,但是我们要尽量的小心谨慎。;Customer’s shoes;Consumer Insight 客人观点;CONSUMER INSIGTHT 客人观点;Business Traveler Needs 商务旅行者需要;Consumer Says: 客人说;So how are we different from the rest? 那我们和其他酒店 有什么分别?;;Brand Pyramid 品牌金字塔;Target Customers 目标客户;Characteristics of     Thoughtful Achievers 深谋远虑的        成功人士              ???特征;Frequent business travellers 经常出差的旅行者 Middle-senior managers 中高层管理者 Achievement oriented 向往成就 Enjoy business travel 喜欢商务旅行 Appreciate technology 崇尚新技术 Appreciate quality 追求质量;They work hard 工作努力 They are active 态度积极 Confident decision makers 是自信的决策者 They enjoy life 享受生活 They like comfort without fuss 喜欢舒适,但决不奢靡;The P


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