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1;Human beings relationship with animals;1. Why did Amy want to become a hedgehog expert? 2. Was Amy willing to go to the library to find some books? Why? 3. How did Mr. Peck describe the hedgehog? Did he really have the knowledge of the hedgehog? 4. Was Mr. Peck kind to Amy? Can you give some details. 5.The title is Miserable Mr. Peck. Can you explain what does miserable mean? ;1.Because a talk on hedgehog inspired her and aroused her curiosity. 2. No. Because the librarian was a mean and miserable person. 3. He said the hedgehogs were the worst and horrid animal (who dig up vegetables and bite lumps out.) No, he just wanted to make Amy give up. 4. When Amy first went to the library…… 5. Unfriendly, unhappy, mean, bad tempered ;冲进 住在Amy家旁边 沿着书架看 一个声音厉声道 挖蔬菜 书还有20天到期 在盒子上盖章;Amy叫道 Amy 抱怨道 差点丢了魂 Mr. peck嚷道 从书架抽出一本书 用鼻子指 倒带;language points for part 1 1.He always was a m_______ man. He never spoke to me nor anybody else 2.She went to bed, m______ and depressed. 3.The Japanese are e_____ at lowering manufacturing costs3 4.When I came back to the hotel Laura and Peter were shouting and b_______at each other6 5.Then a voice s______: Lay off! Ill kill you, you little rascal!... 6.What a h______ smell! 7 7.Norman cut open his pie and s________ tomato sauce into it... 7 9.Americans wanted to aid Britain even at the r_____of war 10.Waddington r_________ the tape and played the message again.10 11.The rent is d_____ tomorrow.;Chapter 2:Hedgehog talk;What do they eat?;What else do you know about hedgehogs?;1. How did Amy learn the hedgehog talk? 2. How did Amy attract a hedgehog? 3. Why did Mr. Peck come to Amys house? 4. Was Amy kind to the hedgehogs? how do you know that?;1. Amy listened to the sounds of hedgehogs on her personal stereo over and over again. And she repeated the sounds herself. 2. Amy made the hedgehog noises as loudly as she could every day for a week. 3. Because he thought an animal went into Amys house and made noises every night. 4. Amy was very kind and



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