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Food 中考英语写作之 Let’s enjoy a video. Think about: What is the video about ? Food wasting Free talk Where can we see food wasting? in restaurant in the dinning hall at home Why do people often waste food? order more food than they can finish leave the food behind they don’t like the taste of it. cook more food show they are rich, especially in some festivals. Because people often order more food than they can finish. Some students leave their food uneaten just because they don’t like the taste of it. Because people often cook more food to show they are rich, especially in some festivals. What do you think of food wasting? Wasting food means wasting money. Wasting food is harmful to our environment. Wasting food must be stopped. How to prevent food wasting? pack the left food home make rules give prizes educate order less food A. 信息归纳。请阅读以下关于垃圾废物的短文,根据所提供的信息,完成表格。 What is waste? When we think of waste — also known as garbage, trash, litter, rubbish — we think of terrible, smelly and dirty things. It is the things that people throw away. It might be broken, empty or something that we don’t want any more. Where does waste go? It may disappear from our houses, but it doesn’t disappear from the earth. Some gets recycled (再循环) and some is burned, but most waste is put under the ground. What makes up the largest part of household(家庭的) waste? Half-eaten sandwiches, chicken and meat bones, rice, bread and other food items are often thrown away all over the country. That’s right! Food makes up the largest proportion(比例) of waste in many countries. Food waste mostly includes unfinished meals from family kitchens and restaurants. Facts & Numbers ▲ 40 percent of food in the United States today goes uneaten. That is more than 20 pounds of food per person every month. ▲ Each American uses about 200 pounds of plastic per year! About 30% of that is plastic packaging. When some plastic is put under the ground, it can last up to 700 years. ▲ The United State


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