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英语部分 473/1359 英语部分 THE CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ENGLISH ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATES PAPER ONE PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION (20minutes, 20 points) &&Ion A(10 p i n t s , 1 p i n t each) Directions: In thh sectbra, you wid hear tea short mnwrsatiom between iwo speakers. At the end of each ccsrtversatkn, a qwstwn will be asked a h o ~whQt w a sad. T;lre qwstion wdU be spoken only o m . C h e th k t answer j h m dwfour c h k s given by murk@ the corresponding b r with a single bar across the square &ruck&on your Mathim-scoring Answer Sheet. I . A. She is sick. B. She is hungry. C. She was bitten by an ant. D. She had a long bicycle ride. 2. A. He's outgoing. B. He's considerate. C. He's successfuI. D. He's nice to all. 3. A. 30 minutes. B. 25 minutes. C. 20 minutes. D. 15 minutes. 4. A. Take the air. B. Park h e oar. C. FiU in the form. D, Work on a text. 5 . A. Apply for a credit card. B. Get a driver's license. C. Buy an insurance- D. Rent a vehicle. 6. A. Crime needs to be treated as a disease. B. Primitive punishment will do no good. C. Severe punishment is necessary to stop crime. D. Primitive people bad trouble with crime treaiment. 7. A. The sale of the old houws. B. The pulling down of the gas company. C. The proposal of the council. D, The building of the office blocks. 8. A,


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