商务英语翻译 7国际商务法律文献翻译 [武汉理工].ppt

商务英语翻译 7国际商务法律文献翻译 [武汉理工].ppt

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商务英语翻译 7国际商务法律文献翻译 [武汉理工]

国际商务法律文献翻译 Translation of Legal Documents for Business Main contents 1. Lexical Features of Legal Documents 2. Syntactic Features of Legal Documents 3. Textual Features of Legal Documents 4. Translation Strategies 5. Translation Practice 1. Lexical Features of Legal Language 1) Frequent use of common words with uncommon meanings 2) Frequent use of Old and Middle English words once common, now rare 3) Frequent use of Latin words and phrases 4) Use of French words not in the general vocabulary 5) Use of terms of art 6) Use of argot 7) Frequent use of formal words 8) Use of doublets and triplets and synonyms 9) Use of absolutes 10) Deliberate use of words and expressions with flexible meanings 1.1 Use of common words with uncommon meaning action 诉讼 alien 转让 avoid 废止 consideration 补偿/对价/约因 counterpart 副本 cover 抵偿 damages 赔偿金 distress 扣押 endorsement 背书 1.2 legal terms of art argot A term of art is a technical word with a specific meaning and irreplaceable. Not everything that has the sound of the law is a term of art. A term of art must be specific. There are numerous words which operate as a kind of shorthand among lawyers: agent 代理 alibi 不在现场的证明 defendant 被告 discovery 取证 holding (of a case) 裁定 letters patent专利特许证 plaintiff 原告 recision (法律等的)消除、废除 restitution 归还;补偿;赔偿 【例】The owner of a registered trade mark may surrender the registration of the trade mark by filing a notice of surrender on the specified form. 【译】任何注册商标的拥有人可采用指明表格提交放弃通知,而放弃该商标的注册。 Argot (=cant or jargon) is specialized vocabulary that is common within a group, whether or not deliberately designed to exclude the non-member of the group. The language of the law, sometimes even a particular word, has a dual aspect. Lawyers use language that is intended to speak to lawyers and laymen, as in contracts, jury instructions, notices, and even laws. Lawyers also use language that is intended to speak primarily to each other, as in pleadings, opinions, argument and in the day


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