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PAGE PAGE 1 Unit4 Growing up 1. 你(脑子里)在想什么?What’s on your mind? 2.怎么了? What’s up? 3.自从我初次遇见你以来,你就一直很快乐。You’ve been happy since I first met you. 4.长大真难。Growing up is hard. 5.你把房子建好了再叫醒我。 Don’t wake me up until you finish building the house. 6.生命是一个旅程 Life is a journey. 7.你怎么了解这个世界? How do you learn about the world? 8.你为什么喜欢用那种方式学习?Why do you like to learn that way? 9.从书上学习 learn from books. 通过网络学习 learn through the Internet. 10.书允许我了解不同时代不同地域的人 Books allow me to learn about people in different times and places. 11.只要我想读,都能读。I can read them whenever I want to. 12.你一点击鼠标,就有大量的信息 As soon as you click the mouse, there are a great deal for information. (注意:a great deal of +不可数名词;a number of +可数; a lot of =plenty of +可数/不可数都可以 13.上初中时,他参加了校篮球队的选拔。 While attending junior school, he tried out of the school team. 14.灰心丧气,丧失信心 lose heart 15.当他最后得到机会时,首次参赛就得了20分。When he finally got the chance, he scored 20 points in his first game. 16.从那时起,他就是队里的明星。 From then on, he was the star of the team. 17.他因为身高不得不坐在看台上。 He had to sit in the stands because of his height. (注意:because+句子;because of +单词或短语) 18.他使得教练改变了想法 He got the coach to change his mind. 19.在高中的最后一年,他被命名为年度球星。In his last year of senior high, he was named Player of the Year. 20.仅仅因为他只有170厘米,没有一所大学愿意邀请他打篮球。No university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only 170cm. 21.他带领自己的球队赢得全国冠军。He led his team to the national championship. 22.这种情况让他引起了北卡州立大学的注意 This brought him to the attention of North Carolina State University. 23.因此,他成功获得了奖学金。 As a result, he succeeded in getting a schoolship. 24.NBA对他不感兴趣 The NBA was not interested in him. 25.他被迫去了另一个篮球联赛打球。 He was forced to play in another basketball league. 26.他在那里呆了约一年后,NBA才注意到他。 He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him. 27.他取得了很多巨大的成就。He had many great achievements. 28.他最骄傲的时刻来临了。His proudest moment came. 29.他赢得了灌篮大赛的冠军 He won the Slam Dunk Contest.


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