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刘彩娥: 《框架》指导下信息素养教育实践的思考 ACRL : ’ Liu Caie Deliberation on the Practice of Information Literacy Education Guided by ACRL s Framework 13 ACRL《框架》指导下信息素养教育实践的思考 刘彩娥 摘 要 论文分析了美国大学与研究图书馆协会( )于 年月正式发布的《高等教育信息素养框架》 ACRL 20 15 2 ( ),在此基础上,对 与 环境下的信息素养教 Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education Web2.0 E-Science 育内容进行思考,认为新信息环境下信息素养教育应突破文献信息的获取、评价、利用这一线性过程,认识到信息生态 环境与学术环境的多维度与多元化,强调学习者参与信息环境与学术环境会话,具备信息交互能力与相应的道德。 关键词 高等教育信息素养框架信息素养教育教学内容变革 分类号 G254.97 DOI 10.16810/j .cnki.1672-514X.20 16.06.003 Deliberation on the Practice of Information Literacy Education Guided by ’ ACRL s Framework Liu Caie Abstract “ ” This paper researches Framework f or Inf ormation Literacy f or Higher Education released formally in February ( ) 20 15 by Association of College & Research Libraries ACRL . On this basis, it deliberates the content of ILE under the environment of Web2.0 and E-Science. It believes that the teaching content of ILE should breakthrough the linear process of retrieval, evaluation and utilization of literature, and the multi -dimension and diversification of information ecological enrironment and academic environment should be realized. In addition, participation in the communication between information environment and academic environment and the ability of information interaction and the corresponding moral are emphasized. Keywords Framework f or Inf ormation Literacy f or Higher Education. Information literacy education. Teaching content transformation.


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