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Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.;?a new TV program called Monkey是一个过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,即相当于a new TV program that is called Monkey。 eg:I know a boy called Jim.我认识一个叫吉姆的男孩。 ?turn...into...意为“变成”,有时也可作turn into。 eg:Water can turn into ice in cold weather.水在寒冷的天气里会变成冰。 ?hide动词,意为“隐藏;隐蔽”,其过去式为hid。 eg:They hid some balls under the desk.他们把一些球藏在桌子底下。;?come out出现;出版;开花 eg:The moon came out from the clouds.月亮从云里出来了。 Her book won't come out until next year.她的书要到明年才能出版。 The flowers came out yesterday.那些花昨天开了。 ?more than意为“超过;多于”,相当于over。 eg:I lived in Shanghai for more than/over five years.我在上海住了5年多。 【拓展】no more than (=only)仅仅;不过 not more than不多于;不超过 ?Western形容词,意为“西方的”。 【拓展】eastern东方的 southern南方的 northern北方的;?重点短语归纳 for the first time第一次 in fact事实上 ;一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1.We saw a strange __________(物体) in the sky today. 2.The Monkey King has a ______(有魔力的) stick in the book Journey to the West. 3.Two minutes ago,Susan ____(隐藏) your books behind the door. 4.As we all know that the UK is a _______(西方的) country. 5.This dog's _______(尾巴) is much longer than that dog's.;二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.The Monkey King can make 72 _________(change) to his shape and size. 7.Don't _________(exciting) your baby too much before bedtime. 8.The Monkey King keeps _______________(fight) to help the weak and never gives up. 9.His uncle isn't interested in _________(play) chess at all. 10.I like watching the program __________(call) Happy Hours.;三、单项选择。 ( )11.—Why do you eat vegetables and fruit every day,Mum? —________ healthy,my dear.(易错题) A.To keep   B.Keep    C.Keeping   D.Kept ( )12.When is her new book coming ________?I am looking forward to reading it. A.out B.at C.to D.from ( )13.________ old feel the cold weather more than ________ young. A.An;a B.The;the C.The;a D.An;the;( )14.—Did you use to ________ your diary in the bookcase? —Yes,I did.I didn't want my parents to read it.(易错题) A.write B.return C.hide D.compare ( )15.My younger brother laughed when he saw t



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