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第 PAGE 15页 摘 要 房地产行业作为国民经济的支柱产业,其产业关联度高,带动力强,在 扩大内需和促进消费等方面发挥着巨大的作用。然而中国的房地产业在持续高速发展的同时也出现了供求关系结构失衡,房屋价格高涨不下,商品房大量空置等问题,而我国现行房地产税制的基本框架是在1994年税制改革后形成的,已不能适应当前房地产市场的发展要求。如何建立合理的房地产税收体系、有效发挥税收政策的稳定器作用,显得十分的迫切和必要。?? 房地产业作为国民经济发展中的基础产业、先导产业和支柱产业,具有产业链长,关联度大的特点,是拉动我国国民经济增长的重要因素和扩大内需的重要产业。房地产税制是由若干种税种共同构成的经济调节体系,不仅是国家财政收入的重要来源之一,更是国家调控房地产市场、规范房地产经济行为、调节财富分配的重要经济杠杆,世界上几乎所有国家税收制度中都涉及到房地产税。房地产税,是以房地产为课税对象,直接以房地产为计税依据或主要以房地产开发经营流转行为为计税依据的税赋1。为了适应经济发展,加强对房地产业的调控,刺激住房合理消费;为了调节个人收入财富分配,我国应积极开展房产税的制度更新,建立适合我国目前经济结构的优化房地产税收制度. ? 关键字:房地产? 税收制度 市场经济 改革 Summary The real estate industry as a pillar industry of the national economy , its industries associated with high , driven by strong, expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption has played a huge role . However, China 's sustained and rapid development of the real estate industry while also appeared structural imbalance of supply and demand , housing prices soaring high, a large number of vacant housing problems , but the basic framework of the current real estate tax is a tax reform in 1994 formed , they are not meet the requirements of the development of the current real estate market. How to establish a reasonable estate tax system to effectively play the role of stabilizer tax policy , it is extremely urgent and necessary . As the real estate industry on the basis of national economic development , pilot and pillar industries , has a long industrial chain , the characteristics related degree is an important factor in expanding domestic demand and stimulating economic growth in our key industries. Real estate tax is a system of economic regulation by a number of taxes together constitute not only an important source of state revenue , but state regulation of the real estate market , real estate economic behavior norms to regulate the distribution of wealth is an important economic lever , almost all countries in the world tax system are related to the real estate tax. Real estate taxes, based on real estate


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