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;案例:某年4月在广交会上汕头市B出口公司与香港A进口商签订了一份出口跑步衫3000打的合同。合同规定每打15美元EXW汕头,纸箱装,6月15日之前交货,支付方式为经A验货合格后电汇。6月9日B通知A商货已备妥速来验收。6月10日港商A派代表来汕头,由B陪同赴汕头市某服装厂(以下简称C)验货。11日该批货全部验收合格后并在港商代表的监督指导下,按照港商出具的唛头一一装箱刷唛。随即该代表向港商A发出电传,称货已验收刷唛完毕,B方等货款汇到后即可提供商业发票和其他有关的单证。 12日B方收到A商汇来的货款45000美元,随即B方将有关票证交付港方代表。这时该代表向B提出货物暂放C厂,等其与汕头某货运代理联系集装箱和出口报关事宜妥当后便来工厂提货。B当即与C厂联系,C回答该批货物已单独存放,随时可供提取。13日下午港方代表来电话称,货代要到14日上午才能安排车来C厂拉货。不料在14日凌晨C厂因隔壁一家化工厂爆炸,致使C厂突遭火灾。全部厂房及物资均化为乌有。港商闻讯后立即来汕头要求B退还货款,理由是他并未提货,货物被焚应由B方负责。B拒不同意,理由是着火属人力不抗力,而且他已按时履行了交货手续,该损失应由A方自己承担。A却认为C工厂并未开具货物出厂证,货物所有权仍在B方。双方各执一词,最后港商A向汕头市人民法院控告B方未履行交货义务,理应承担退还货款的责任。请问: B是否应退还货款?;第一节 E组贸易术语;1、双方义务;B1 Payment of the price The buyer must pay the price as provided in the contract of sale. B1 支付价款 买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。 ;A2 Licences, authorisations and formalities The seller must render the buyer, at the latter's request, risk and expense, every assistance in obtaining, where applicable, any export licence or other official authorisation necessary for the export of the goods. A2 许可证、其他许可和手续 应买方要求并由其承当风险和费用,在需要办理海关手续时,卖方必须给予买方一切协助,以帮助买方取得为货物出口所需的出口许可证或其他官方许可。 ;B2 Licences, authorisations and formalities The buyer must obtain at his own risk and expense any export and import licence or other official authorisation and carry out, where applicable, all customs formalities for the export of the goods. B2 许可证、其他许可和手续   买方必须自担风险和费用,取得任何出口和进口许可证或其他官方许可,在需要办理海关手续时,并办理货物出口的一切海关手续。;A3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a) Contract of carriage No obligation. b) Contract of insurance No obligation B3 Contracts of carriage and insurance a) Contract of carriage No obligation b) Contract of insurance No obligation;A4 Delivery(重点、难点) The seller must place the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the named place of delivery, not loaded on any collecting vehicle, on the date or within the period agreed or, if no such time is agreed, at the usual time for delivery of such goods. If no specific point has been agreed within the named place, and if there are several points available,


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