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PAGE PAGE 1 哈根达斯员工激励问题研究 姓名:卿小莲 专业班级:人力资源管理2班 指导老师:韩晓红 摘要: 哈根达斯凭借冰激凌中的莱斯莱斯这一称号,1996年进驻商业大都会上海,已经在中国内地发展了将近20年,价格高是其重要标志。而作为餐饮服务行业的他们,一直以来在不懈追求其环境的舒适,产品精致到一流服务的层层把关以保证其高端品牌定位。而以聘用兼职人员为主作为一线服务人员的公司,他们面临很多的问题。 已在哈根达斯工作多时,深感员工工作时的态度与心理以及对公司的影响,本着改善员工工作状态的原则,去探索哈根达斯员工的工作问题。本文将由实际客观的资料出发,通过调查问卷与访谈法,在激励理论的指导下,本着实事求是的精神,结合目前哈根达斯的员工工作现状,分析他们员工工作产生问题的原因,同时在了解餐饮业大背景的基础上,找到解决哈根达斯员工工作所产生的问题的方法以采取不同的适用于在中国市场的外来企业的激励员工的措施来促进企业的发展与壮大,激励员工为公司做出贡献,同时实现员工个人价值的初衷,达到企业的战略目的。 关键词:哈根达斯公司;兼职;激励 Research Haagen-Dazs employee incentiv problem Haagen-Dazs ice cream with the title of Les Les, stationed in commercial metropolis Shanghai in 1996, has developed nearly 20 years in China, the high price is an important symbol. As the food service industry in them, it has been the relentless pursuit of comfort in their environment, refined products to checks at each first-class service to ensure its high-end brand positioning. And to employ part-time staff based company as a front-line service personnel, they face many problems. ??Has been working for a long time in the Haagen-Dazs, when deeply employee attitudes and psychological impact on the company as well as the principle of improving the working conditions of employees, work to explore the issue of Haagen-Dazs employees. This article will be starting the actual objective information, through questionnaires and interviews, under the guidance of incentive theory, in a pragmatic spirit, combined with the current status of work of employees Haagen-Dazs, and analyze the reasons for their employee problems, while in Learn the basics catering background of fortune, to find solutions to problems arising from the Haagen-Dazs employee to take a different applicable to foreign enterprises in the Chinese market incentives employees of measures to promote business development and growth, motivate staff to make a contribution, while achieving the val


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