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Character Characterization;Kinds of Character;精品资料; 你怎么称呼老师? 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? 教师的教鞭 “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……” “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”; Hero / Heroine Carrying Connotation Protagonist 主人公 Sounding Neutral ; Protagonist Antagonist 反面角色,对立面 ---- The rival or opponent against whom the protagonist / hero is contending.;2. Main / Major Character ---- One in close and dynamic relation with the hero / heroine. (Close relation does not necessarily mean good relation.);3. Minor Character ---- One in remote and static relation with the hero. (Not all minor characters are unimportant.);4. Foil (Character) 陪衬 ---- One that helps enhance the intensity of the hero by strengthening or contrasting. ;Degrees of Development;Round Characterization;;① Complex in temperament and motivation; ② Represented with subtle particularity; ③ As difficult to describe with any adequacy as a person in real life.;Eg: Hamlet ---- A typical round character;2. Flat Character 扁平人物 ---- One who embodies or represents a single characteristic or trait, or at most a very limited number of such qualities.;;Flat Characterization;Type Character 类型化人物 Stock Character 小丑角色 One-dimensional Character 单一角色 Caricature 漫画人物 ---- when distorted to create humor;① Presented without much individualizing detail; ② Remaining “stable” or unchanged in outlook and dispositions from the beginning to the end of a work.;Eg: Detective Story Adventure Novel Farce Comedy ---- In above works, the protagonist usually is a flat character.;1. Dynamic Character ---- Exhibiting some kind of change as the story progresses. 2. Static Character ---- Remaining the same from the beginning of a work to the end.;Dynamic Characterization;Static Characterization;Characterization 人物塑造;Characterization;Methods of Characterization;;;;;Characterization 4. Through dialogue; 5. Through action; ---- By sho


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