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丫阴麴 丫阴麴 -1- -1- Unit 6 Design 课标导航 课标导航 -功能 n 卍do VJ iceall lare p I ? ? Ign ino bl?sl- ?1 s ? cruer sccfe essel DDipr 词 ghtlery alel trw s c n e ?ul M r 3nsal )0c p s p ry of t In soreat Xut fi o 句型 语法 写 作 主题导读 课标导航主题导读 课标导航 主题导读 Nymph of the Luo River Nymph of the Luo River by Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420)survives in three copies dating back to the Song Dynasty.lt illustrates a romantic poem by Cao Zhi from the state of Wei during the Three Kingdoms period.One copy is held by the Palace Museum of Beijing;another is at the Freer Gallery in Washington,D.C.The third was brought to Manchuria by the last emperor Pu Yi (1906-1967)while he was the doll emperor of Manchukuo under Japanese rule.When the Japanese surrendered in 1945 the painting disappeared.After ten years the Liaoning provincial museum recovered it. 课标导航主题导读 课标导航 主题导读 The narrative silk scroll describes the meeting and the final separation of Cao Zhi and the Nymph of the Luo River;the art catches the excitement through the composition of the figures,stones,trees and mountains.The painting is one of the most important Chinese artworks,representing the beginning of the development of Chinese scene paintings? Chinese painting came a long way during the 300-year period that saw the rise and fall of the Three Kingdoms (220-280),the Jin Dynasty (265-420)and the Northern and Southern Dynasties (420-58l).Apart from the chaos of war and dynastic changes during this period,active intellectual life of different schools also provided a great push for artistic development. 丫阴麴 丫阴麴 Da読鶴 课标导航主题导读 课标导航 主题导读 。 诱思探究 Do you know the story about Nymph of the Luo 7?zver?Are you interested in it? Do you like Chinese art or Western art?Why? -6 -6- Section I Warm-up & Lesson 1 A Matter of Taste 4. 4. 〃?展览会一> M5出导练 1 文本感知 知识精要 I ?词汇拓展 匕4/.直的T 认弄直,改正 〃?想象;想象力T_ 富于想象力的 〃?痛苦;疼,痛T a血?痛苦地,疼痛地 丫腮麴 丫腮麴 DaIS a血?笔直地,直接地t 认想象t adj. M/.痛苦的,疼痛的T 讥展览,陈列,展示 丫腮麴 丫腮麴 DaIS M5出导练 1 文本感知 知识精要 贵重的,有价值的T a血?贵重地,有价


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