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PAGE PAGE PAGE 22 论文题目: 治理视阈下新型农村社区建设研究 摘要 在我国,农村社区是由文化、习俗、信仰等相同或类似的农村居民所组成的熟人社会,也是我国农村社会的缩影,是社会的重要组成部分,为了让城市和农村二者之间进行和谐的互动,我国提出了全面开展城市社区建设、积极推进农村社区治理的任务,所以将农村社区进行全面治理是加快城乡建设的重点所在。但农村社区在治理工作当中,仍有很多不足之处:自治尚未完善、社区功能缩水、机制方面的发展尚未健全、城市社区与农村社区在治理水平方面的差距非常大等等。所以必须对农村社区当中的各方面资源进行整合利用,重新实施低成本、高效率的新型治理模式,让农村社区能够真正转变为承接公共服务的一个重要平台。将农村社区成功的治理好,能够使基层民主建设充分的发挥出来,鼓励农村更多的加入到社区自治工作中,促进农村经济方面的建设,使农民也可以与城市居民享受到同样的公共服务,从而加速城乡一体化的建设步伐,缩短城市与农村的各方面的差距。 因此,本文以沂水县为主要研究对象,以农村社区建设为主要切入点,对其在农村社区建设中存在的问题进行了研究,在农村社区建设过程中存在村民自治不完善、社区功能未得到有效发挥、传统与现代生活方式的冲突和治理水平较低等问题,进而结合国内外先进国家或地区的农村社区建设经验和学者研究成果,对沂水县的农村社区建设提出了相应的改善建议,如推进社区民主自治进程、夯实新型农村社区居民增收途径、发展壮大社区集体经济、发挥政府主导作用等。 本文的研究,应当能在一定程度上丰满我国农村社区建设的理论基础,同时,对于我国社会主义市场经济体制深化改革和城镇化进程中的农村社区建设实践,有一定参考和指导的价值。 关键词:农村社区、治理创新、城乡一体化 Abstract In our country, the rural community is composed of culture, customs, beliefs and the same or similar rural residents social acquaintances, but is a reflection of Chinas rural society is an important part of the society, in order to allow for a harmonious interaction between urban and rural, China proposed to carry out a comprehensive urban community construction, and actively promote the task of governance in rural communities. Rural community is not only an important component of society, but also a microcosm of the vast rural areas, so the rural community to conduct a comprehensive governance is to accelerate the focus of urban and rural construction. But rural community in governance, there are still many deficiencies: autonomy has not been perfect, community features shrink, development mechanism is not yet perfect, gap between urban and rural communities in the governance level is very large, and so on. So must to the rural community of all aspects of resources integration and utilization, re implementation of the new governance model of low cost, high efficiency, so that rural communities can really change to undertake an important platform for public service. The successful rural community governance to fully pl


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