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* There is a tide taken at the flood in the affairs not only of men but of women too, which leads on to fortune.(词组拆译) 人生在世,有时会走运,抓住时机,就能飞黄腾达,不但男性如此,女性也一样。 With the fear of, largely imaginary, plots against his leadership, his self-confidence seemed totally to desert him. 由于害怕有人阴谋推翻他的领导地位,他似乎完全丧失了自信,但是所谓的阴谋在很大程度上是他自己凭空想象出来的。 A friendly correspondence as neighbors and old acquaintances had continued between me and Mrs. Read’s family, who all had a regard for me from the time of my first lodging in their house.(从句拆译) 从我第一次入住他们家开始,里德太太一家人就一直对我很关心,我们像是友好的邻居,又像是相识多年的老朋友那样,书信来往始终未断。 This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacations, a land of magic and wonder.(从句拆译) 现在此处已经成为冬夏两季的度假胜地,风光景物,蔚为奇观;而从前,筋疲力尽的旅游者到此只得止步。 Some men have been virtuous blindly, others have speculated fantastically, and others have been shrewd to bad purposes. (单词拆译) 有些人品行端正,但却不去推究为什么要这样做;有些人深思熟虑,但却流于脱离现实;有些人非常精明,但却把精明用于邪道。 Next door, a larger-than-expected audience of 300 attended the Fifteenth International Conference on Environment Protection.(词组拆译) 隔壁大厅里,参加“第十五届国际环境保护大会”的人数竟达300名之多,这真是出乎意料。 On behalf of all of your American guests, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.(从句拆译) 我谨代表所有美国客人向你们表示感谢,感谢你们无可比拟的盛情款待,中国人民以这种热情好客而闻名于世。 处理英语长句的翻译技巧 (三)倒置法 倒置法是指在某种程度上将原文分段为若干个短小的句子,然后按照汉语逻辑与习惯表达的方式重新进行安排,这样原文的语序有全部或局部的变换,甚至译文各分句的顺序有可能与原文恰恰相反。 It is extraordinary that in all the years the British spent in Egypt they never got to know the real people of Egypt. (部分倒置) 英国人在埃及消磨的岁月如此之长,而对真正的埃及人民却一无所知,这点颇不寻常。 Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.(部分倒置) 许多人常常宁愿牺牲较高的工资以换取白领工人的社会地位,这在西方倒是人之常情。 And he knew how ashamed he would have been ① if his girl friend had known ②his mother ③ and the kind of place where he was born, and ④the kind of people among whom


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