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Lesson 53 Hot snake 【New words and expressions 】生词和短语( 13) hot adj. 带电的,充电的 fireman n. 消防队员 cause v. 引起; n. 原因 examine v. 检查 accidentally adv. 意外地,偶然地 remains n. 尸体,残骸 wire n. 电线 volt n. 伏特(电压单位) power line 电力线 solve v. 解决 mystery n. 谜(无法接受地 , 解释不了的) snatch v. 抓住 spark n. 电火花 ★hot adj. 带电的 , 充电的 hotter-hottest hot adj. 热的 (cold); hot water; hot weather, 炎热的天气 a hot day ; Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁 Hot 炎热的 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 chilly 寒冷的 cold 严寒的 带电的 , 充电的 辣的。 The papper is very hot. 强烈的 have a hot temper; a hot debate 激烈的辩论 get hot on rock music 热衷于摇滚 最新的 hot news on sth. Magazine hot from the press 刚出版的杂志 Be hot on sb.迷恋某人,爱慕某人 be in hot water 惹上麻烦 =get/run into trouble a hot potato 棘手的问题 get hot under the collar 勃然大怒 hot-hot-hot 麻辣烫; hot-wings 辣鸡翅; hot dog 热狗 hot-tempered 火暴 (脾气 )的( temper n. 脾气) hot line 热线; hot topic 热门话题 hot cake 热蛋糕 It sells like a hot cake/cakes.表示一个东西的畅销 , 热销 ★fireman n. 消防队员 复合名词: fireplace 壁炉; firework 烟火; fire-fighter 消防队员(尤其护林的 ); firehouse 消防站 hydrant n. 消防栓 , 消防龙头 fire extinguisher 灭火器( extinguisher n. 熄灭者 , 灭火器) extinguish = put out 灭火 cause v. n. 引起;原因 ① v. 引起 cause sth.引起麻烦  Carelessness causes accidents.粗心导致事故  Pride causes failure. 骄傲使人失 败 cause sb. to do sth. 引起某人做某事 , 导致某人做某事 Illness caused him to lose his temper. (lose one ’ s temper 发火 ) A cause B=A lead to B=B result from A=A result in B=A bring about B ② n. 原因,强调事情发生的直接原因 (一个 ) find out the cause because 因为 reason 理由,其他各种的理由 (很多个 ) examine v. 检查 仔细观察,调查 examine the soil the firefighter examined every inch of the forest. V.诊查。 The doctor examine the patient ; 考试 examine students in english; examiner 主考人 examinee 应考人 Exam=examination accidentally adv. 意外地 , 偶然地 (但更趋向于 “偶然”的意思 ) accident -accidental - accidentally 反义词: accident n. 事故 a car accident=a road ~  intentional an accidental death. N.机遇,造化 by chance=by accident=accidentally i found a gold mine by chance. unexpectedly adv. 出乎意料地 (更趋向于 “意外”的意思 ) ★remains ( 复数形式) n. 尸体 , 残骸 rema


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