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2001级泌尿外科试题---2 1.前列腺增生患者尿潴留,尿液从尿道口溢出,称为: A 压力性尿失禁 B 充溢性尿失禁 C 真性尿失禁 D 急迫性尿失禁 E 麻痹性尿失禁 2.区分下尿路机械性梗阻和动力性梗阻的最好方法是: A 尿道造影 B 尿流率 C 泌尿系B超 D 同位素肾图 E 尿动力学检查 65岁男性,间断全程肉眼血尿1月,无其他明显症状。B超提示膀胱后壁直径2cm肿物,有蒂,未侵犯膀胱肌层。静脉尿路造影双侧上尿路未见明显异常。膀胱镜肿瘤活检报告乳头状移行细胞癌Ⅱ级。最适合的治疗方法是: A 经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术 B 膀胱部分切除术 C 膀胱全切+尿流改道术 D 放射治疗 E 膀胱灌注药物治疗 尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术后行膀胱灌注治疗,疗效最好的药物是: A 羟基喜树碱 B 表阿霉素 C 丝裂霉素 D 噻替派 E BCG 5.下列关于肾癌的描述,哪项是错误的? A 肾癌患者可以出现间歇或持续性低热 B 肾癌患者可以发生低血钙 C 肾癌患者可以出现腰痛 D 肾癌患者可以伴有高血压 E 肾癌患者可以出现红细胞计数增多 6.能够确诊前列腺癌的检查是: A MRI B PSA C 直肠指诊 D B超引导下前列腺穿刺活检 E 全身骨扫描 7. 肾结核患者手术以前至少需应用抗结核药物多长时间? A.1周 B.2周 C.3周 D.4周 E.3月 8.关于泌尿系结石的叙述哪项是错误的: 上尿路结石多于下尿路结石 膀胱结石多见于成年人 肾结石最多为草酸钙结石 输尿管结石症状为腰部绞痛伴镜下血尿 尿酸结石容易在酸性尿中形成 正确答案: 1. B 2. E 3. A 4. E 5 .B 6. D 7. B 8. B 英文试题 Seminoma is accurately described by which of the following statements? It is the most common type of testicular cancer Metastases to liver and bone are frequent It does not respond to radiation The 5-year survival rate approaches 50% Common presentation is that of a painful lump that transilluminates Initial management of a patient who has a flaccid neurogenic bladder may include which of the following measures? Surgical bladder augmentation Self-catheterization Supravesical urinary diversion Limiting fluid intake to less than 300ml/day Transurethral resection of the bladder neck Which of the following statements regarding carcinoma of the prostate is true? It has a higher incidence among American blacks than other American ethnic groups A single microscopic focus of prostate cancer discovered on transurethral resection of the prostate(TURP) is an indication for radical prostatectomy It arises initially in the gland’s central portion It commonly produces osteoclastic bony metastases Screening for prostate-specific antigen, although easily done, offers no advantage over simple rectal examination in the detection of the disease Which of the following statements regarding benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) is ture? The fibrostromal proliferation of BP


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