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(3)句中“with +宾语+现在分词”构成的复合结构在句中作伴随状语。 ? With winter coining on, it s time to buy warm clothes. 冬天来了,是时候买保暖的衣服了。 “with十宾语+宾语补足语”构成with的复合结构,宾语补足语除了可以是现在分词外,还可以是介词短语、形容词、副词等。 ?He came in with a smile on his face. 他面带微笑走了进来。(with十宾语+介词短语) ?Anderson left his house with the lights on. 安德森开着灯离开了家。(with+宾语+ 副词) (4) dream of 意为“梦想;想象”,相当于: dream about . ?They dream of going to college. 他们梦想去上大学。 拓展:dream的用法 ①dream作及物动词时,后接名词、代词或 that从句作宾语。 ?He dreamed a sweet dream. 他做了一个美梦。 ② dream作可数名词,意为“梦;梦想”。 ? His dream will come true next year. 他的梦想明年将会实现。 8. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. 许多年轻人崇拜这些篮球英雄,并且想成为像 他们那样的人。 (l) look up to意为“钦佩;仰热”。 ?We all look up to the learned and modest professor. 我们都很尊敬那位博学而又谦逊的教授。 ? He is a movie star whom I look up to. 他是我崇拜的电影明星。 look up to还可意为“抬头看;仰望”。 ?He looked up to the sky and seemed to be thinking. 他抬头望向天空,好像在思考着什么。 (2) hero可数名词,意为“英雄;男主角”,其 复数形式为在词尾加-es。 ? He is a hero in my heart. 在我的心里他是个英雄。 Negro —Negroes (黑人) potato — potatoes (土豆) tomato —tomatoes (西红柿) 其他常见以o结尾加-es变复数的名词 9.These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams. 这些明星激励着年轻人为了实现他们的梦想而努力奋斗。 encourage动词,意为“鼓励;激励;支 持” 常用结构 encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励 某人 做某事”。 ? Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves. 父母应该鼓励孩子独立做事。 achieve及物动词,意为“实现;完成”。 ?He could not achieve his goal. 他未能实现他的目标。 achieve与come true achieve “实现;完成”,主语通常是人 come true “实现”,主语通常是梦想等 ? I believe I can achieve my dream. 我相信我能实现我的梦想。 ? I hope my dream will come true. 我希望我的梦想会实现。 * How much do you know about international basketball teams in America? Match the right information. The?Lakers Celtics Houston?Rockets Chicago?Bulls 凯尔特人队 芝加哥公牛队 火箭队 湖人队 2a Do you like basketball? Do you watch basketball games? How much do you know about this sport? Discuss the sport with your partner and share


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