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宪法和法律委员会的合宪性审查职能研究 【摘要】 2018 年,现行宪法第五次修改将“法律委员会”更名为“宪法和法律委员会”,由宪法和法律委员会承担起推进合宪性审 查工作的职责,是我国合宪性审查历史上的重要转折。但是当前宪法和法律委员会在发挥合宪性审查职能时还存在一些缺陷,例如审 查对象的范围较窄,与备案审查界限模糊等等,因此有必要对宪法和法律委员会的合宪性审查职能进行研究。为了解决这些问题,需 要结合立法和实践,分为三部分进行研究。首先介绍宪法和法律委员会的历史生成,旨在分析其职能的演变。其次从审查主体、审查 范围和审查方式三方面总结宪法和法律委员会合宪性审查职能的现状以及存在的缺陷。最后提出要扩大合宪性审查的对象范围,加强 与法院的合宪性审查联动,衔接备案审查与合宪性审查职能,从而完善宪法和法律委员会合宪性审查职能,真正做到维护宪法权威和 保障宪法实施。 【关键词】 宪法和法律委员会,合宪性审查,职能研究 2Research on the Constitutional Review Function of the Constitution and Law Committee 【Abstract】 In 2018, the fifth revision of the regular constitution renamed the “Law Committee” as the “Constitution and Law Committee”. The Constitution and Law Committee assumed the responsibility of advancing the review of constitutionality, which was important in the history of synthetic constitutionality review Turning point. However, there are still some shortcomings in the constitutional and legal committee when it plays its constitutional review function. For example, the scope of the review object is narrow and the boundary between the review and the record review is blurred. the study. In order to solve these problems, we need to combine legislation and practice, divided into three parts. It begins with an introduction to the historical formation of the Constitutional and Legal Committee, with the aim of analyzing the evolution of its functions. Secondly, it summarizes the status and defects of the constitutional review function of the Constitution and Legal Committee from three aspects: the review subject, the scope of the review, and the review method. Finally, it is proposed to expand the scope of the object of constitutional review, strengthen the linkage with the court's constitutional review function, and link the record review and constitutional review functions to improve the constitutional and legal committee's constitutional review function, truly maintain Constitutional authority and guarantee the implementation of the Constitution. 【Ke


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