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第 =page 2 2页,共 =sectionpages 2 2页 第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 1 1页 2020-2021学年安徽省宿州市十三所重点中学联考高一(下)期末英语试卷 一、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分) A When it comes to the UK,London likes to steal all the attention.However,I think we all need a break sometimes from the chaos (喧嚣) of the city - specifically,a trip to one of the UK's national parks.A total of 15 areas in the UK are protected by the government.The parks cover over 23,00 square kilometres,so where do you begin? Snowdonia If you're after a challenge,head over to Snowdonia and climb the highest mountain in Wales.At 1,085 metres high,the views from Snowdon are spectacular.It will take you 5 - 6 hours to climb up and back down again.If a little mountain climbing isn't your scene,the mountain railway will have you there and back in half the time. Lake District For those who feel more at home on the water,the Lake District has over 15 stunning (极美的) lakes.Ullswater is particularly beautiful and the perfect place for scenic boat trips,sailing or canoeing (划独木舟) with friends.Swimming is also popular if you are able to brave the cold.Surrounding the lake are charming villages and vibrant (生机勃勃的) countryside which can be explored on horseback. White Cliffs of Dover In the South Downs you'll find one of Britain's most striking views:the White Cliffs of Dover.This is the first view of England you'll see if arriving by ferry,as long as it's not foggy,of course.Stretching (延伸) for miles between the blue sea and even bluer skies,the pure white cliffs feature 1 n many wartime songs and films.Not convinced?Fear not,London is just over an hour away by train. If a visitor wants to enjoy the view of 1085 meters high,how much time does he need at least? ______ A. 1 hour. B. 2.5 hours. C. 5 hours. D. 6 hours. To travel around villages in the Lake District,tourists can ______ . A. take a train B. ride a horse C. take a ferry D. go on a boat trip What is the purpose of writing the text? ______ A. To explore the UK's diverse culture.


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