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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 高二英语月考卷 A Tower Bridge Exhibition This must-see London attraction invites you to step inside the most famous bridge in the world to exp lore, its structure, wonderful views and . glass floor, modern exhibitions and splendid Victorian Engine Rooms! Tower Bridge was built 120 years ago to ease road traffic while maintaining river access to the busy Pool of London docks (码头).Built with giant moveable roadways that lift up for passing ships,it is to this day considered an engineering wonder and beyond being,one of London's favourite symbols. It is arguably one of the most famous and industry recognizable structures in the entire world. Since 1982, Tower Bridge Exhibition has told the history of the bridge and why it came into existence through fascinating exhibition content. Visitors can also experience the exciting new glass floor and spectacular panoramic (全景的)views from the high level Walkways as well as the Victorian Engine Rooms, which house the beautiful steam engines that once powered the bridge lifts. This must-see attraction is the only way to explore the most famous bridge in the world! Admissions: £9. 8 for an adult; £4. 2 for a child Age Restrictions: Child ages:5-15. Children aged 4 and below are free. Opening Hours: April-September:10 : 00 a. m. -5 : 30 p. m. October-March:9< 30 a. m. -5 : 00 p. m. Important Info: You can take pictures anywhere on the Bridge or in the Engine Rooms. Visitors are advised to allow additional time for security checks and lift access up to the Walkways. Entry into the Walkways cannot be guaranteed for a specific time at peak times or during bridge lifts. 21. Why was Tower Bridge built 120 years ago? A. To reduce road traffic jam problems. B. To attract the tourists all over the world. C. To allow passing ships to unload some goods. D. To let passers-by pass through the river more safely. 22. What can visitors do while in the Exhibition? A. Run on the Walkways at


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