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人教版小学三年级下册综合实践课教案 人教版小学三年级下册综合实践课教案 第一课 我们的眼睛 活动目标 知识与技能 通过活动使学生认识眼睛的结构。让学生了解眼睛的作用。提高学生的搜集、整理、分析信息的能力。 过程与方法 让学生初步体验观察探究的过程,并学会撰写小组活动计划表。 情感态度与价值观 通过小组活动,使学生学会分享共同的劳动成果,学会相互合作。 活动准备 1、明确活动的目的和意义。 2、确定研究课题,制定活动方案。 3、上网或到图书馆查阅资料。 活动重点 掌握收集资料的方法,会做简易动画。 活动记实 第一课时 1、导入,引出主题 同学们,我们现在猜个谜语好不好,上面毛,下面毛,中间一颗黑葡萄。(打一人体器官)谁来说一下这是什么器官,你们知道它都有哪些结构,有哪些作用,这些你们想知道么,那么这次活动我们就以《我们的眼睛》为主题,好吗, 2、确定主题,板书 主题一《我们的眼睛》 3、提出问题。 (1)你的视力怎么样。 (2)眼睛的结构。 (3)眼睛有哪些作用。 (4)眼睛与我们人类的关系。 more than 50 departments related to the unit and approve content posting, in a variety of formats provide a unified network platform for open government. Communications policy for the Government, to convey orders, open Government, the masses played an active role. Four is the initial start-up of the electronic document management system. Our application as a precursor, to demand and promote development, and Office files, the Chief of the municipal government information, Akiyoshi telegrams, newsletters, reports, focusing on achieving part of the paperless transmission of official documents. Meanwhile, with computer, documents the whole processInitial implementation of automated management, reduces costs, improves efficiency, realize resource sharing. So far, common entry document 389, Chronicle of more than 360 articles, leaders speak more than 90 papers and resources for more than 100 copies. Second, the work was carried out in the city's open government pilot, obtain full recognition from the province, in 2003, the province identified the city as open government pilot city in the province. Office as city chief public led group of Office, in municipal Government of unified led Xia, active organization implementation has programme developed, and supervision implementation, and experience exchange, and coordination promote, work, constantly strengthened carrier construction, and innovation public form, and deepening public content, and extends (5)关于眼睛,你还想了解哪些问题, 4、归纳问题。 5、按自愿结合的原则分小组,推选小组长。 6、小组长汇报


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