新外研版七上M9U2 Theyre waiting for buses or9.docVIP

新外研版七上M9U2 Theyre waiting for buses or9.doc

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静海实验中学导学案 年级:七年级 学科:英语 主备:朱丽七年级英语组 课题:Module 9Unit 2 课型:阅读课 授课时间:2021-2022〔一〕第16周 【学习目标】 1、要学会的新词汇:drive, off, get off, hot dog, leave, restaurant, moment, place, thing, most, still. 2、能读懂、会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 3、了解其他国家或地方人们的生活,对异国文化、生活习俗拥有更多兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。 【学习重点】 掌握本单元重点的单词和词组。 能读懂、会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 【学习难点】 能读懂、会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 【学习方法】 通过Jigsaw reading, 小组研讨不同地区人们正在做不同的事情。 【导学过程】 Stage 1 Pre-reading: Step 1 Warming up: Listen to a song “I’m sailing〞. Step 2 Leading-in: Answer the question and travel around the world with the teacher. Stage 2 While- reading: Step1. Fast reading 1. Read the passage for the main idea: What is the passage about 2. Read and find out the words and phrases you don’t know and exchange them in the groups. Step 2 Careful reading-----Jigsaw reading. Divide Students into some groups (each group with 4 students) andeach student has different paragraphs in the same group. 1. Each student in groups reads 1 or 2 paragraphs and fill in the tableindividually. ( 右侧表格) 2. Check and talk about the table in groups. Places Time What are they doing What aren’t they doing ? Stage 3 Post- reading: Have a competition to show the group work.. Step1 Askand answer questionsin groups in turn. A: Hello, What place are you visitingB: I am visiting …. A: What’s the time now in …B: It’s …. A: What are people doing in…B: They are…. A: What aren’t they doingB: They aren’t…. Step 2 Suppose you are a guide, try to introduce a place you read to others. Say sentences about what people are doing or aren’t doing with “and〞 or “so〞 (谈论时不要仅仅局限于文中所学的几个城市,可以再加上谈谈在你的城市,你在做什么。) . Hello, everyone. Today I’m your guide. Welcome to ….In London/Beijing, it’s… and/ so most people are/ aren’t…. But some are…. 【作业超市】 必做题:默写Module 5 Unit 1 单词,短语和重点句子; 完成补充教材Module 5 Unit 1 A 组。 选做题:If it is 12:00 at noon in Beijing. Find out what time it is in other foreign cities(at least 4) and write down what people are doing 〔可以上网搜索不同地区的时间〕 Unit 1 Ⅰ. 根据语境从方框中选出恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。 f


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