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尚孔教育教研院 PAGE PAGE 1 2021届高三英语一模汇编——作文 1、2021黄浦一模 Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese. 假设你是明启中学高三学生张华,在某英语报上看到一则报道,说某偏远山区的贫困村庄盛产红茶,但由于交通不便、信息不畅,导致销售不利,影响了村民的收入。现号召广大读者出谋划策。请你写一封信给英语报。在信中,你必须: 1)就如何帮助该村庄销售茶叶、脱贫致富提出建议; 2)说明你的理由。 Dear English Newspaper, I have recently read about the report in your newspaper that a poor village in the remote mountainous region is rich in black tea. Unfortunately, the villagers’ income is negatively affected due to the inconvenient transport and inadequate information. Hardly had I learnt the news when I couldn’t wait to voice my opinion on the approaches to poverty elimination. / I can’t wait to voice my opinion on the news, which is a concern worth great attention. / At the news, I am willing to communicate my opinion on how to respond to the phenomenon. Only by the joint efforts of the government, villagers and customers, can we promote the sales of black tea. First of all, the government should try every means to construct the roads and improve the transport facilities. In addition, it is better for the villagers to learn how to sell their products online so that they can keep up with the times. Since live broadcast is a good choice, the government can appeal to volunteers to train the villagers. Last but not the least, those who are fond of drinking tea should be advised to purchase the black tea and recommend it to their families and friends. My suggestions arise from the following factors. / Behind every suggestion is a reason. On one hand, with the rapid development of e-commerce, adopting online sales matter most. On the other hand, it is a priority of the government to spare no effort to reduce poverty for sake of the villagers. From what has been mentioned above, it can’t be wiser to take the above measures. May the villagers eliminate poverty. I am firmly convinced that they will definitely live a better life in the near future.


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