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《私家法医》前情提要 Previously on Rosewoo.. 对于一个需要肾脏移植的人这样 For a guy who needs a kidney transplant, 你太过于无情了 youre going kind of hard. -你在摸我的脉搏吗 -我确认一下 - You taking my pulse? - I just got to make sure. 忙于警hearts;察hearts;的事情 这就是为什么没有人信任你 Too busy playing cop. Thats why nobody trusts you. 包括你吗 Does that include you? 你为罗西所作所为说明你们是一家人 What youre doing for Rosie, that makes you family. 我感觉不到脉搏了 Im not getting a pulse. 让开 充电中 Stand by! Charging. 准备好了 Clear! 出现了并发症 Theres been a complication. D小姐 Miss D. 怎么了 Whats wrong? 准备好了 Clear. 马什伍德市政厅 早安 市长 Good morning, Mayor. Beautiful day. 你好菲利普 一会见 Hey, how you doing, Phillip? Well see you later. 新闻和天气 News and weather... 真不是时候啊 米莉 Never been one for timing, have you, Millie? 他会好起来的 Hell pull through. 斯莱德从重症监护里挺了过来 Slade survived the foster-care system, 十万火急 他的心脏在手术室停止了跳动 a hostage situation, his heart stopped on the operating table. 我不会认为他的新感染会打倒他的 I wouldnt count on this new infection to take him down. 他强迫罗西拿走他的肾 He forced Rosie to take his kidney. 现在是他病了 我知道 Now hes the sick one. I know. 我要是早知道他这么无私就好了 I wish I knew he was that selfless. 我会给他升职加薪的 I would have asked him for a raise. 冠军早餐 Breakfast of champions! 刀切燕麦加奇异籽配杏仁奶油 Steel-cut oatmeal with chia seeds and almond butter. 有助于放松肌肉 提升精神 Perfect for keeping the muscles loose and spirits lifted. 我很奇怪你惹了那么多人 Im surprised youre on your feet 还能活着走出来 after stepping on so many toes. 护士告诉我你一直在给他们提建议 The nurses told me you wont stop giving them advice. 泽尔丁医生必须要屏蔽你的电hearts;话hearts; Dr. Zeldin had to block your calls. 维拉 我是一个 Well, Villa, Im just an expert 提供给他非常有价值意见的专家 offering his incredibly, incredibly valuable opinion. -他是主任医师 -你还有一个测试要做 - Hes the chief of surgery. - And you have a lab to run. 谁说我不能一心二用的 Well, who says I cant do both? 你能吗 我刚才看到你右眼有一阵痉挛 Well, can you? I just saw a spasm in your right eye. 你汗流浃背 Youre sweating through your shirt, 尽管这里才20多度 even though its 60 degrees in here, 加上你一直在装作自己没事 and the double shot of Rosieness youre sipping 告诉我你一直在演示你的真实感受 tells me you



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