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良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状影像尿动力学病因分析 目录 TOC \o "1-9" \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状影像尿动力学病因分析 1 1 资料与方法 2 2 结果 3 3 讨论 4 文2:腹壁切口疝病因分析 5 1 临床资料 6 2 讨论 7 参考文摘引言: 10 原创性声明(模板) 11 文章致谢(模板) 11 正文 良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状影像尿动力学病因分析 文1:良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状影像尿动力学病因分析 Analysis of causes of 68 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms following prostatectomy by videourodynamics [Abstract] Objective To clarify the causes of 68 patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) following prostatectomy with LABORIE Uncore Videourodynamics (made in Canada).Methods That 68 patients after prostatection with LUTS were studied with Videourodynamics and screened for detrusor urinal dysfunction and bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and the anatomical level of the 68 patients after prostatection,detrusor urinal dysfunction was observed in 38 cases (38/68).The detrusor urinal hyporeflexia in 24 cases,a combination of detrusor urinal hyporeflexia and BOO in 4 cases,and the detrusor urinal over-activity in 10 was diagnosed in the remaining in 30 cases,diagnosed as bladder neck obstruction in 20 cases and stricture of membranous urethra in 7 cases and stricture of outlet urethra 3 compliance decreased in 24 cases of 68 patients after Because most of the patients with LUTS after prostatection had detrusor urinal dysfunction and residual is necessary to evaluate these patients with Videourodynamics before could provide more convincing evidences for preoperative of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).It is gold standard in the diagnosis with BOO. [Key words] benign prostatic hyperplasia;prostatection;videourodynamics 目前,前列腺增生症手术后仍有10%~15%的患者存在尿频、尿急、排尿困难等下尿路症状(LUTS)[1]。我院1999年10月~2006年6月共接诊院内外良性前列腺增生症手术 治疗 后仍伴有LUTS者68例,全部行影像尿动力学检查,进行病因分析,现报告如下。 1 资料与方法 11 一般资料 本组68例良性前列腺增生术后下尿路症状者,均存在不同程度的尿频、尿急症状,其中41例存在排尿困难,年龄52~84岁,平均679岁。病史4个月~10年,平均14个月。IPSS评分8~19分者51例,>20分17例。手术方式:经耻骨上或耻骨后前列腺切除术28例,TURP或TUVP者40例。 12 检查方法 采用加拿大LABORIE Uncer 57同步影像尿动力学检查仪检查分析患者的膀胱出口阻力,逼尿肌功能,梗阻的


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