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腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤194例的救治 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤194例的救治 1 1 资料与方法 2 2 结果 4 3 讨论 4 文2:以腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤早期诊治中的几个问题 7 1 伤情评估与急救 8 2 时效性和整体性 9 3 液体复苏 10 4 损伤控制 12 参考文摘引言: 15 原创性声明(模板) 16 文章致谢(模板) 16 正文 腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤194例的救治 文1:腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤194例的救治 Management of 194 patients with abdominal injuries in severe multiple trauma [Abstract] Objective To discuss clinical diagnosis and treatment of abdominal injury complicated with severe multiple The clinical data of 194 cases of abdominal injuries in severe multiple trauma treated in our hospital from ~ were A total of 194 patients sustaining severe multiple trauma,Injury Severity Score (ISS)≥ patients underwent immediate abdominal them 41 patients received two operatio on different anatomic regio under a single length of stay in the inteive care unit (ICU)was cases had a good recovery,37 cases disabled and 35 cases were Certain injuries are so critical that the history collection,the emergent physical examination and definitive resuscitation must be undertaken at the same peritoneocentesis and ultrasound are rapid and accurate modalities for the diagnosis of intraabdominal is noninvasive,seitive,and accurate for the evaluation of abdominal injury in hemodynamically stable patients,and missed diagnosis should be reduced as far as intraabdominal operation sequence should be depended on the importance and the injury severity of the involved control operation (DCO)should precede definitive postoperative patients should enter the ICU for the inteive cure. [Key words] abdominal injury;multiple trauma;emergency;operation 1999年9月~2006年3月我科共收治以腹部损伤为主的严重多发伤患者194例,占同期多发伤的%。现分析报告如下。 1 资料与方法 一般资料 本组患者共194例,其中男157例,女37例。年龄6~72岁,平均岁。致伤原因包括 交通 事故伤134例,坠落伤37例,挤压伤8例,打击伤7例,刀刺伤4例,爆炸伤2例,其他2 例。161例由我院急诊科收入,受伤至接诊的时间为~6 h,平均 h。其余33例由外院转入。收缩压≤80 mmHg者128例(%),收缩压≤50 mmHg 70例(%)。急诊血气分析检查89例,平均血氧饱和度%,动脉血氧分压 mmHg。 损伤类型 腹腔脏器损伤情况,见表1,其中2处以上脏器损伤者96例(%),涉及4处以上5例。腹腔平均出血量为2560 ml,出血量≥4500 ml 33例


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