初中英语_【课堂实录】 What are the shirts made of 第4课时教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

初中英语_【课堂实录】 What are the shirts made of 第4课时教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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PAGE PAGE 1 教学设计 Unit 8 What are the shirts made of? (Period 4) 一、教学目标 1.知识与技能: (1)学习被动语态的用法,培养学生的逻辑思维能力和语言综合运用能力。 (2)通过阅读,提高自己的概括、找主题句和搜索细节信息的能力。 (3会运用被动语态描述一种中国传统的文化艺术。 2. 过程与方法: (1)通过听说读写,进一步感知被动语态的构成、用法。 (2)通过情景教学法,学习被动语态的用法 (3)通过练习法,巩固被动语态的用法 3. 情感态度与价值观: 通过对我们中国传统艺术品的了解,培养他们的爱国主义情怀。 课时:第四课时 三、教学重难点 1、重点: (1)熟练运用一般现在时态和一般过去时态的被动语态。 (2)提高自己的概括,找主题句和搜索细节信息的能力。 (3) 运用被动语态描述身边的中国传统文化艺术,如制造材料、产地、用途或象征意义等。 2、难点:被动语态的用法和功能。 四、教学策略: 教学目标、教学活动设计、教学反馈三方面互为依据,环环相扣。 在丰富的活动中设置情景任务练习重难点语言,让学生在大量的语境中,体验、感知被动语态的用法。 教学用具: 多媒体展示中国传统文化艺术:孔明灯、剪纸、陶土艺术、茶。 教学过程: 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 Lead-in 导入 Play the videos and ask the question: Do you know the traditional art ? What are they made of? Watch the videos and answer the question 播放孔明灯、剪纸、陶土艺术的视频,既可以激活学生的背景知识,也可以处理会造成理解障碍的生词,同时复习旧知识,导入新课。 Step 2 Show a chart about each part of this lesson: aim, tasks, language points, quiz, writing , homework and so on. Ss know the main parts of this lesson according to the chart. 利用图表让学生了解本课的主要框架和教学环节。 Step 3 Show the aims Listen 了解本课的目标 Step 4 Presentation新知呈现 一、快读。(播放课文录音) 1.Which part gives a general introduction? 2.Where can you find specific information? 二、寻读1。 Read the article again and then fill in the chart. 三、寻读2。(课本63页2c) 1. What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? 2. What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now? 3. What kind of pictures are usually found on paper cutting? 4. How do people use paper cutting during the Spring Festival? 四、细读1. Read Paragraph 2 carefully and answer the questions. Then retell it to the class, using the mind map. 五、细读2. Read Paragraph 3 carefully and fill in the blanks, according to the text. 六、细读3. Read Paragraph 4 and put the steps for making pieces of clay art in order. 七、巩固练习1(课本63页2d) Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box. such as turn … into send out cover with rise into put … on 八、巩固练习2 Try to find out the passive voice sentences in the passage. Li



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