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- - .z. . z. 一、导入 宾语从句教学设计 复习什么是宾语。动词/介词后面的名词就是宾语。 I play basketball. We are talking about our homework.. 宾语从句就是在宾语的位置上放一个完整的句子。 that I that I can earn some coupons. 板书: He knows me. He knows what’s wrong with his wife. 说出2个句子的宾语。 第一个句子的宾语是一个词构成的,第二个句子的宾语是一个句子,我们称这种做宾语的句子叫宾语从句。在句子中充当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。其中 he knows 叫主句,what’s wrong with him是从句。 说出下面4个句子的主句和从句。 He said that he had a very good journey home. He asked if /whether they had e. He told me that the earth goes around the sun. He asked me how he could get to the nearest post office. 总结:。。是主句,剩下的是由 that ,if,how引导的宾语从句。初步认识了宾语从句,下面我们开场了解宾语从句的三要素 引导词〔连接词〕语序 时态 1)附属连词that引导 1)附属连词that引导陈述句宾语从句,在口语或者非正式语中可以被省略 比方上面四句话中的 A,C就是that引导的陈述句的宾语从句。如果省略掉 that,该如何修改。〔让学生口头修改〕 He said that he had a very good journey home. C.He told me that the earth goes around the sun. 2〕由附属连词 whether, if 引导一般疑问句的宾语从句,表示"是否〞,比方上面的B就是由if引导的宾语从句, He asked if /whether they had e. 3〕由连接代词 who,whom,whose,which,what, whoever, whichever, whatever 和连接副词 where, how, why,when引导的宾语从句 代词或副词连接主句和从句,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义,不可省略,比方上面的D。 .Whether,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换,但是以下情形除外:1).whether从句中有or notEg:Whether rain or not we will go to the park.D.He asked me how he could get to the nearest post office. 注意:关于是否if/whether .Whether,if 引导宾语从句:两词可互换,但是以下情形除外: 1).whether从句中有or not Eg:Whether rain or not we will go to the park. 2).whether从句做介词宾语 3) whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以. 3) whether后可以加or not,但是if不可以. 4) 在不定式前只能用whether. 〔如:I can’t decide whether to stay. 我不能决定是否留下。〕 5) 防止歧异时,我们常用whether而不用if. 6)decide 后边的宾语从句要用whether. Paper课堂 I asked her she had a bike. We’re worried about he is safe. I don’t know or not he is well. 继续观察上面的四句话,请问宾语从句的语序有什么特点.〔陈述句语序〕不管原来的句子是陈述句,一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,放在宾语从句里都是陈述句语序。 〔板书〕改写宾语从句。 陈述句Doctor Li is very patient. It is well- known that . 一般疑问句Is Doctor Li very patient" John wants to know (用if或者whether引导) 练习 Part 1 课堂练习 Mike gets up at seven in the morning. He says that--- Mike gets up at seven in the morningThe teacher asks-- if Mike gets up at seven in the mor


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