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肥胖症(Obesity)是由于能量摄入长期超过人体的消耗,使体内脂肪过度积聚、体重超过一定范围的一种营养障碍性疾病。 分类 单纯性肥胖症 (Simple obesity) 继发性肥胖症 (Secondary obesity) 影响小儿健康 活动不便 易感染,甚至出现心肺功能不全 心理障碍 成年期并发症 高血压 (Hypertension) 冠心病 (Coronary heart disease) 糖尿病 (Diabetes) 胆石症 (Cholelithiasis) 痛风 (gout) 病理生理 病理生理 CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS 体征(signs) 体脂丰满,分布均匀 皮肤紫纹( purple striae) 扁平足和膝外翻 (The flatfoot and genu valgum ) 男性阴茎(penis)隐藏在脂肪组织中 DIAGNOSIS Body mass index(BMI): It is the odds of weight and the square of height. 鉴别诊断 伴肥胖的遗传性疾病 Prader-Willi syndrome Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome Alstrom syndrome 伴肥胖的内分泌疾病 甲状腺功能减退症(hypothyroidism) 肾上腺皮质增生症(Hyperadrenocorticism) 鉴别诊断 治 疗 原则 减少热能性食物摄入 增加机体对热能的消耗 TREATMENT Modification of diet and caloric content The diet contains high-quality proteins, low fats, low carbohydrates The diet contains as much bulk as possible Sufficient vitamins and minerals supplementation Develop the good habits of diet TREATMENT Definition and use of appropriate exercises program Behavior modification for the child (including psychotherapy) Gene therapy Drug treatment-It is unsuitable for children Hungry or half-hungry treatment is forbidden Fast weight loss (less than 3 months)is forbidden Drug、food or drink on weight loss is forbidden Surgical or physical treatment is forbidden * * CHILDREN OBESITY Department Of Pediatrics 第五章第六节(2) 中南大学儿科学教研室 PURPOSE AND REQUIREMENT To master the diagnosis and treatment of children obesity. To be familiar with the etiology and pathophysiology of children obesity. To be familiar with the clinical manifestation of children obesity. 定 义 Excessive intake of nutrients Inadequate exercise Inherit factors The others ETIOLOGY SIMPLE OBESITY 危 害 性 营养素摄入 机体消耗 多余的能量转化为脂肪 人体脂肪细胞数量 人体脂肪细胞体积 肥胖 肥 胖 脂肪代谢 蛋白质 代谢 内分泌 变化 高脂血症 尿酸 糖尿病 肥胖骨质病 男性性功能低下 女性月经不调 不孕 动脉硬化 冠心病 高血压 胆石症 痛风 Ages: it often occurs in the 1st yr of life, at 5~


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