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FREP工机具管理指引 FREP Guidelines on Management of Machines and Tools 目的Purpose 为了规范承包商工机具管理,确保进入FREP现场施工作业的工器具完好适用,保证作业安全,特制定本指引。 To standardize management of contractor machines and tools, ensure machines and tools entering FREP site for construction are in good condition and suitable and safeguard work safety, we hereby lay down this Guideline. 定义 Definition 工机具:指施工作业所使用的工具、设备、防护用品,如:货车、吊车、挖掘机、焊机、配电箱、抽芯机、发电机、扳手、葫芦、安全帽、安全带、气体检测仪等。 Machines and tools: refer to tools, equipment and protective equipment used for construction, such as: truck, lifting crane, excavator, welding machine, switch box, tube bundle extracting machine, generator, wrench, hoist chain, safety helmet, safety harness, gas detector, etc. 适用范围 Scope of application FREP现场施工作业的所有工机具。 It’s applicable to all the machines and tools in the construction site of FREP. 4. 职责 Responsibilities 4.1机械设备部承包商管理员负责组织承包商施工工机具的检查管理工作,专业维修管理人员给予提供支持。 Contractor Administrator from Mechanical Department is responsible to organize inspection and manage contractors’ construction machines and tools, with support rendered by specializedmaintenance management staff. 4.2 维修管理团队对承包商工机具完好性进行专业检查确认。 Maintenance management team checks and confirms on the integrity of contractors’ machines and tools from professional perspective. 4.3 HSE部、PMG协助工机具的共同检查。 HSE Department and PMG participate in the joint inspection of machines and tools. 5.需备案报验的工机具管理 Management of machines and tools that need to be filed for inspection 5.1工机具类型Type of machines and tools = 1 \* alphabetic a、车辆Vehicles = 1 \* GB3 ①吊车 Crane = 2 \* GB3 ②货车(不包括临时进厂装卸货物车辆)、皮卡车 Truck (excludes those for loading/unloading for a short time), pick-up = 3 \* GB3 ③挖掘机、推土机、叉车等施工车辆 Construction vehicles like excavator, earthmover, forklift, etc. = 2 \* alphabetic b、配电箱 Gearbox = 3 \* alphabetic c、焊机 Welding machine = 4 \* alphabetic d、抽芯机 Tube bundle extracting machine = 5 \* alphabetic e、气体检测仪 Gas detector = 6 \* alphabetic f、机械传动工机具 Mechanical transmission m



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