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内 容 提 要 机械手因其较高灵活性和通用性,在生活、制造等各个领域中都扮演着极其重要的角色。它可以搬运货物,分拣物品,并能够在在有害环境下操作以保护人身安全,代替人的繁重劳动,因此被广泛应用于机械制造、轻工以及需求物品搬运等各种场所。 本文在纵观了近年来机械手发展状况的基础上,结合机械手方面的设计,对应用于直升机模拟搜救的机械手技术进行了系统的分析,并就其结构的合理性以及应用的可实施性提出了合理化方案。采用整体化的设计思想,充分考虑了软、硬件各自的特点并进行互补优化。对直升机模拟搜救机械手的整体结构、执行结构、驱动系统和控制系统进行了分析和设计。在其驱动系统中采用液压驱动,控制系统中选择PLC的控制单元来完成系统功能的初始化、机械手的移动、故障报警等功能。 通过以上部分的工作,得出了经济型、实用型、高可靠型直升机模拟搜救机械手的设计方案。 关键词 机械手;控制;编程 The Helicopter Rescue Robot Simulation Design and Application 060606219 Pengfei Qiao Faculty adviser Bingxin Hou engineer Abstract Because of its high flexible manipulators and universality, in life, in various fields such as plays a very important role. It can carry goods, articles, and can be sorted in harmful environment to protect personal safety operation, instead of heavy labor, therefore, are widely used in machinery manufacturing, light industry and the demand for handling items. Based on the review of the development in recent years manipulator based on the design of manipulator, in search of the manipulator used helicopters simulation technology systematically analyzed, and its structure rationality and application of constructability put forward rationalization plan. Adopts integrative design ideas, full consideration of the characteristics of the software and hardware and complementary optimization. The helicopter rescue manipulator to simulate the overall structure, structure, driving system and control system analysis and design. In its drive system used in the hydraulic control system, PLC control unit to choose the system function, the mobile manipulator initialization, fault alarm functions. Through the above work, economical and practical, high reliability model of the manipulator rescue helicopter simulation design scheme. Keywords Manipulator, Control, Programming, 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 第一章 前言 1 1.1 研究的目的及意义 1 1.2 机械手在国内外现状和发展趋势 1 1.3 主要研究的内容 2 1.4 解决的关键问题 3 第二章 夹持装置 3 2.1夹持装置设计的基本要求 3 2.2夹持装置设计. 4 2.2.1夹紧力计算 4 2.2


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