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中文摘要 莫杰斯特·彼得罗维奇 ·穆索尔斯基 (Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich 1839 年— 1881 年)是 19 世纪俄罗斯民族主义作曲家, “五人团”中的成员。他在短 暂的一生中创作了许多优秀的作品,这些作品中不仅体现了他追求 “音乐现实主 义”的理念,同时也蕴藏着他对民族精神及历史的深刻思考。在 19 世纪俄罗斯 文化思潮的背景下,国家命运、东西方归属、人民与帝制等等这些问题都成为当 时知识分子和艺术家们关注的焦点。穆索尔斯基正是在他的作品中表达着他对民 众个性化的态度以及对国家命运的思考。 歌剧《鲍里斯·戈杜诺夫》作为俄罗斯音乐史上伟大的歌剧之一,也是穆索 尔斯基创作唯一一部完整的歌剧,作品中的民众形象一直为人称道。因此本文聚 焦于这部歌剧中的民众形象,通过对歌剧的创作历程及民众音乐形象分析,以达 到对穆索尔斯基民众理念的深刻解读。 关键词 穆索尔斯基;鲍里斯·戈杜诺夫;民众形象;创作观念 Abstract Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich (1839-1881) was a member of the group of five, a 19th-century Russian nationalist composer. In his short life, he created many excellent works, which not only reflected his pursuit of "musical realism", but also contained his profound thinking on national spirit and history. Under the background of the Russian cultural trend in the 19th century, such issues as the fate of the country, the east and the west, the people and the monarchy became the focus of the intellectuals and artists at that time. It is in his works that Mussorgsky expresses his personal attitude towards the people and his thoughts on the destiny of the country. As one of the great operas in the history of Russian music, the opera Boris godunov is also the only complete opera created by Mussorgsky. Therefore, this paper focuses on the image of the people in the opera, through the analysis of the creation process of the opera and the image of the people's music, in order to achieve a profound interpretation of Mussorgsky's concept of the people. Key word :Mussorgsky; Boris godunov; The public image; Composing concept 目录 绪论 1 第一节 选


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