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姓名___________________学号 姓名___________________学号___________________班级___________________ 注:本试卷共八大题,合计100分,考试时间为100分钟。严禁作弊,考试期间禁止互相讨论、东张西望、交头接耳等影响考试秩序的行为,一旦发现,均按零分处理。 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )1.If I fail again,please give me_____second chance for_____ better result. A.a,the B.the,a C.the,the D.a,a ( )2.Those students ________how to spend their weekend at the moment. A. talk about B. are talking with C. are discussing D. are discussing about,so ( )3.The weather in Dalian is colder than ______Hangzhou. A.the one B.this C.that D.weather ( )4.When something_______her,I can always________her. A.worries,worry B.worries about, worry C.worries,worry about D.is worried about,worry about ( )5.She seldom_______, but she should do morning _____every day to keep fit. A.exercises,exercise B.exercises,exercises C.exercise,exercise D.exercise,exercises ( )6.The trip_____a week and______about three thousand yuan. A.cost,took B.took,paid C.cook,spent D.took,cost ( )7. We Chinese students usually ___________in summer. A.have a nine-week off B.have nine weeks’ off C.have nine weeks off D.have nine-week off ( )8.We have problems________the right way to the bank. A.to find B.finding C.with finding D.in find ( )9.It is polite_______you to say hello to new classmates. A.to B.for C.of D.with ( )10. -Learning English takes lots of time. -______I spend much time on it every day. A.I can’t agree. B.I can’t agree more C.I don’t think so D.I am against it. 二、完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) When I was young, my mother always spent lots of time sitting behind a sewing machine(缝纫机). For all three children in our family, she made all the 11 with a happy look on her face. It looked so 12 for my mom to make them. But the first time I tried to make something, I just 13 do it. I worked too quickly and when I finished, it looked bad. Soon I just gave up. This summer, I really wanted to make a dress to


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