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记忆里长hearts;期hearts;以来, For as long as I can remember, 我一直被鲨鱼所吸引. Ive been drawn to sharks. 它们是最了不起最神秘的地球生物. Theyre the most amazing and mysterious animal on Earth. 我觉得如果读懂了它们,也就读懂了生命含义. I thought if I studied them, I could learn about life. 还有海洋生态平衡以及如何在地球上生存. About balance in the ocean and how to survive on Earth. 一个人类最为恐惧。 That the one animal that we fear the most 又是不可或缺的生物 is the one we cant live without. 海洋猎食者, Predator of the sea, 让人闻之丧胆, terror of all men who enter the ocean, 终极危险的象征: the very symbol of lurking danger: 鲨鱼. That is the shark. 它是何方神圣? What is he really? 我们知之不多,除了鲨鱼 We know little, except the shark was here 大hearts;陆hearts;变迁之前,它们已经存在 before the continents took their present form, 恐龙诞生之前,它们已经存在 before the dinosaur lived, and he is still here, 而且从没改变. essentially unchanged. 地球万物最古老的生命. One of the oldest living things on Earth. 鲨鱼如何生存下来的? How has the shark survived, 当几乎所有的生命, when almost all that lived in the beginnings 不是消亡就是进化.. has either perished or changed? 关于这个敌人人们需要知道的, Man must know all there is to know about this enemy. 就是鲨鱼是否真正的敌人? Whether the shark is really an enemy. 如果它是, If he is, 如何保护自己不受它伤害. how to protect against him. 如果它不是, If he isnt, 如何与它共生共存. how to live with him. 从孩提时代你就一直被告知, - Youre told your whole life, since youre a kid, 鲨鱼是危险的. sharks are dangerous. 千万不要深入海洋, Youre warned about venturing too far into the ocean, 但当你下水后, but then finally youre underwater, 你看到你曾被教导的 and you see the thing you were taught 要避而远之的生物,是如此完美 your whole life to fear, and its perfect, 它并不想伤害你, and it doesnt want to hurt you, 而且它是你见过的最美生物, and its the most beautiful thing youve ever seen, 你的整个世界会为之改变. and your whole world changes. 打小我就爱大海. Ever since I was little, Ive loved the ocean. 像其他孩子一样,我尝试过钓鱼 Like many kids, I tried fishing, 但我发现同鱼一起畅游比抓它们更有乐趣. but realized I was much happier swimming with fish than catching them. 鲨鱼是我最喜欢的地球生物, Sharks were my favourite animals on Earth, 然而我所听到的 but all Id heard about 是它们有多危险. was how dangerous they were. 我虽讨厌恐惧



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