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幸亏妈妈会游泳 Thank God Mom can swim, 她这跟往海里跳有啥区别[冲动行事] cause shes clearly gone off the deep end. 这个叫杰拉德的家伙 I mean, bro, this Gerald guy, 他无罪的概率和你头上头发一眼多 hes as guilty as your head is bald. 因此 我们才该让她稳定下来 Which is why now is the time to sit her down 让她把注意力转移出来 and extract her from this situation. 唐娜·罗斯伍德 我们妈妈 Donna Rosewood, our mother, 这位生下我们的人 the reason were on this planet, 她就从未因别的事转移过注意力 has never been extracted from anything. -直到现在 -我不懂 - Until now. - I dont get it. 她又没疯 Shes not crazy, okay? 因此很显然 这个人... So obviously this guy... 他说的话让她觉得有一定道理 hes telling her something that makes sense. 他很有魅力 很聪明 也很会游说 Well, hes charming, hes smart, hes persuasive. 他就是个折磨女人的反hearts;社hearts;会hearts;分子 Hes a sociopath thats preying upon a vulnerable woman. 不对 我们肯定有所遗漏 No, we are missing something. 好 那就去查吧 Okay, then go. 仔细调查 然后找出到底遗漏了什么 Dig through everything and figure out what that is. 好吧 你跟我一起去 All right, well, you dig with me. 我尝试过了 Ive already tried. 她不听我的 没准能听你的 Shes not listening to me, so maybe shell listen to you. 你就是那决定性的一票 皮皮 Youre the deciding vote, Pipp. 这话真减压啊 好极了 All right, well, no pressure. Great. 那就你来买hearts;hearts;单吧 You should probably pay that. -回头见 -好的 - See you later. - Great. 打扰一下 Excuse me. 我想你忘记收草莓柠檬水的钱了 I think you forgot to charge me for the cherry limeade. 要不你跟我们经理说 Want to tell my manager? 蒲公英 Dandelions. 意大利三叶草 Uh, Crimson Clover! 我们这是随口说野花名还是... Are we randomly yelling out wildflower names or...? 我是说你手掌和指尖部位的肿胀 Well, the swelling on your palms, tops of your hands. 用蒲公英叶子 它能减轻你的软组织水肿 Dandelion greens, they reduce the edemas in your soft tissue. 我猜 你是打... Let me guess, you play... -排球 -打排球的 - Volleyball. - ...volleyball. 这就是你的招数吗 Oh, so is that your move? 到处阅读别人的身体信息 You just go around reading peoples bodies? 挺适合在酒吧混的 Cute bar trick. 我的技能是 让男人感到不自在 Mine is, uh, making men feel uncomfortable. 怎么样 How am I doing? 我逗你玩呢 Im just messing with you. 看你那表情 不好意思 Your face though. Im sorry. 其实 我挺佩服你的 Im actually... Im actually very impressed.



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