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前情回顾 -你是谁 -你们的新校长 - Who are you? - Your new headteacher. 你觉得永远摆脱 How would you like to get that little creature 你脑子里的那小东西如何 out of your head once and for all? -准备好了吗 -就现在 - Are you ready? - Now. 她在反抗 Shes fighting it. 成倍成倍地增长 Doubled, doubled, doubled again. 那是暗影魔的王国 Thats the realm of the Shadow Kin. 我要把我的心脏夺回来 Im going to go get my heart back. 你要干吗 What are you doing?! 不要 Oh, no... 求你了 Please... 我的天 Oh, God. 一起走吗 Are you coming? 阿普丽尔 我到处找你 April! God, Ive been looking for you everywhere. -你还好吗 -我看着好吗 - Are you OK? - Do I look OK? 咱们得离开这里 必须走 Weve got to get out of here. Weve got to. 我刚才是在保护你 Ive tried to protect you, 但你不会真以为 but you cant really hope 我们还能活着离开吧 were going to make it out of this alive. 什么活着离开 Out of what alive? 我要去杀暗影魔王 I going to kill the king. 神秘校园 第一季 第五集 神秘校园 第一季 第五集 不可能 你不可能把它从我脑内取出 No, you cant possibly get this thing out of my head. 勇敢的心 若有人要取走它 它就会杀了我 Its designed to kill me if you try. 我们自有办法 We have our ways. 什么 谁是我们 What...? Who is this We? 你是联hearts;合hearts;国hearts;特别情报小组的吗 Are you this UNIT? 比他们规模小多了 Far more modest than that. 向上有限公hearts;司hearts;接管煤山学校后 When EverUpwardReach took over Coal Hill as an academy, 我们组建了新的董事监管团 we installed a new Board of Governors, 他们主要负责确保学校安全 one focused on keeping the school safe, keeping it clear, -让学校时刻做好准备 -做好什么准备 - keeping it ready. - Ready for what? 再说 政hearts;府hearts;总是自己给自己添乱 Besides, governments have a way of tripping over themselves, 过分关心权益 非常低效 slightly too concerned with rights, its terribly inefficient. 所以 你是机器人 Ah, so, youre a robot. 我的天 不是 Goodness gracious me, no! 你先等下 OK, just...wait. 你既没有帮忙对付暗影魔 You didnt help with the Shadow Kin 也没有帮忙对付那个火hearts;辣hearts;的龙纹身小哥 and you didnt help with the really-quite-hot Dragon Tattoo guy. 我们想看看你们自己能做到什么地步 We thought wed see how you did on your own. 你表现得很有能力 亲爱的 Youve proved remarkably capable, my dear. 但这次 我们觉得你的注意力 But, this time, we feel that your attention 并没有放在主要威胁上 is somewhat diverted from the main threat, 所以我们直接找到了你 so weve come t


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