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《私家法医》前情回顾 Previously on Rosewood.. 我靠 有必要这么用力打他吗 Damn! You had to hit him that hard? 他身上都是妓hearts;女hearts;和廉价酒的味道 He smells like hookers and cheap tequila. 不是廉价 是破产了 Not cheap -- broke. 穷得叮当响 Flat-ass broke. 我在想我们之前 I was thinking about that conversation 说过的话 we had the other day. 就是说给实验室 The one where we were talking about 找个投资商 finding an investor for the lab. 我不记得和你说过这件事 I dont remember having that conversation with you. 你把你的身心奉献给了这个实验室 You have put your heart and soul into this lab. 我们必须找到正确的人 We have got to find the right person. 你确定想成为我的搭档吗 Now, are you sure you want to be my partner? 如果你的健康又出现问题 If your health, you know, takes its toll again, 至少你能放心你的实验室 then at least youll know the lab is in good hands. 那就这么定了 So were doing this. 我按照你的要求做了额外的检查 I ran the additional tests you asked for. -你有家人吗 -有 但他们不知道我在这里 - Do you have family? - Yes, but they dont know Im here. 我觉得你会需要他们 I think youre gonna need them. 回家的路 你好 谢谢啊 Hey. Aww, thank you. 你看这天气好得不像话 Can you believe this weather? 就好像太阳给了我一个拥抱 I mean, its like the sun gave me a hug. 你讨厌拥抱 You hate hugs. 要看抱的是谁啊 Well, depends on whos giving them. 某人今天心情很好嘛 Someone woke up on the rosie side of the bed. 其实我没怎么睡好 Actually, I, um, slept a little weird. 脖子有点疼 I got this pain in my neck. 痛感都延伸到我屁hearts;股hearts;了 但至少我能跟 Its radiating down to my ass, but at least I get to be around 世界上最棒的人待在一起 some of the greatest people in the world. 你还好吧 You okay? 挺好 Yeah. 一切都顺利吗 Is, uh, is everything all right 跟... with... 我妈 my mom? 是啊 再好不过 Yeah. Never better. 我和黛西 I mean, Daisie and I 像参加毕业舞会派对的学生一样饥渴 are like two seniors at an after-prom party. 我hearts;干hearts;嘛嘴贱问你 Sorry I asked. 刚接到案子 在布瑞肯大道的大厦 We got a warm one -- high-rise off Brickell. 你去处理 Youre up. 应该轮到霍恩斯托克 Well, Hornstock is next in rotation. 我想让你去 I want you on it. 叫上罗西 法医忙不过来 Tag Rosie in. M.E.S have their hands full. 我们才刚结束奥格登的案子 We just closed the Ogden case. 就是啊 你看 Thats right. You did. See? 你们都不再紧绷 能投入工作了 Youre all loose. Youre ready to play. 你不会在他们第三局


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