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Word Word PAGE / NUMPAGES Word XXXXXXXX高校XXX学院 毕 业 论 文 汽车制动系统设计 专 业: 汽车检测与修理 班 级: 汽车XXX班 学 号: XXXXXXXXXX 姓 名: 张三 指导老师: 李四 二0一五年十一月 摘 要 汽车制动〔俗称刹车〕,是汽车的主动平安系统,它从诞生至进展与汽车从诞生至进展是完全同步的。没有哪种汽车不是以良好的制动性能为保证来进展它优良的行驶性能。良好的制动性能是车辆平安行驶的重要保证。因为制动性能下降或失效而引发严峻的交通事故,已成为突发性交通事故的主要缘由之一。因而在汽车检测与修理中,制动系统的检测与修理显得尤其重要,我国公安部、交通运输部规定对汽车制动实行定期的强制检测与维护。 本毕业论文题目是汽车制动系统常见故障的诊断与分析,共分八章。主要从制动器与传动装置这两方面介绍了汽车制动系统常见的故障及诊断与分析,又在此根底上系统的介绍了ABS制动防抱死系统的常见故障以及汽车故障诊断的一些根本步骤和方法。由构造、工作原理、类型到故障的诊断与分析,一步步深化,具体而又形象。 本论文是在指导老师的指导下完成的,感谢指导老师赐予的鼓舞和挂念。通过本毕业论文,我对过去所学的学问又进一步的稳固和把握,对汽车制动系统故障的诊断与分析又有了深化的了解,而且做到了理论与实践的相结合。 关键词 汽车制动;故障;诊断;分析 ABSTRACT Automobile brake (known as the brake), is the active safety system, car since its creation to development and bus from birth to development is completely in sync. No other car is not good for guarantee the brake to develop it good driving performance. Good braking performance is the important guarantee of safe driving vehicles. Because the braking performance decline or failure of a serious traffic accident caused by sudden accidents, has become one of the main reasons. Thus in automobile detection and maintenance, braking system testing and maintenance are especially important in the ministry of public security, traffic transportation, brake, the fixed provisions of the compulsory inspection and maintenance. The graduation thesis on automobile braking system of the common faults diagnosis and analysis, is divided into seven chapters. Mainly from the brakes and transmission device introduced this two respects of brake system and common fault diagnosis and analysis. Also on this basis, the introduction of the ABS braking system, anti-lock braking system fault diagnosis of common faults and the number of cars the basic steps and methods.The structure, working principle, type to fault diagnosis and analysis,design, step by step, thorough, specific and image. The presen


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