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Summary Market failure the inadequate expression of costs or benefits in prices and thus into microeconomic decision-making in markets . The word failure here is generally not intended to mean an economic collapse, or a breakdown in market relations. Market failure is a claim that the market process is failing to result in maximum efficiency. A market might be efficient, but some in society might think things were better with more stability, or more growth, or more equity. SummaryII Types of market failure Market power Monopoly ,Monopsony* ,Oligopoly ,Cartel ,Oligopsony ,Monopolistic competition ,price discrimination ,price skimming Externality Inadequate expression of costs or benefits in prices and economic decision-making Pure Public goods (nonrivalrous nonexcludable) -- Free Riders, Underprovision Common-pool resource (rivalrous nonexcludable) -- Tragedy of the Commons, Free Riders, Overuse Transaction cost Search, Measurement, Inventory, and Decision Making Costs Bargaining and Communication Costs Market Regulation, Policing, Property Rights Contract Enforcement, and Litigation Costs Imperfect Information / Information asymmetry Incomplete markets Adverse selection - people who are high risk are more likely to buy insurance Moral hazard - behave recklessly if insured Quality uncertainty - see also The Market for Lemons Organizational Failures Principal-agent problem Split Incentives Problem Force of Habit Rules Lack of Organizational learning 本章基本结构与重、难点 掌握财政决策机制及其特点 财政决策主体及其行为特征 理解政府失灵的原因及其矫正方法 3.1 公共选择与政治均衡 公共部门配置资源的特点 供给决策 私人产品由厂商作出,公共产品由政治家及官员作出 需求决策 私人产品以货币为选票进行分散选择的过程,公共产品以政治选票进行公共选择的过程。 公共选择(public choice):指投票者(纳税人)依据一定的规则,共同确定集体行动方案的过程。 政治均衡 和经济市场一样,政治市场也存在供求双方的相互作用 政治市场的需求方 投票者(纳税人) 特殊利益集团 政治市场的供给方 政治家 官员 政治均衡 指在一定的规则下,全体成员就公共产品的供给量及相应税收的分摊达成协议。 1.2 财政决策机制及其特点 公共决策的两大问题 偏好显示问题:集体成员对公共产品有何评价? 偏好加总问题:不同的观点如何权衡,形成最后的决定? 偏好显示问题 投票方式只能反映相当有限的信息 间接民主的情形 直接民主的情形 人们未必真实反映其偏好 不愿参与选举活动; 隐瞒或者从低申报自己的偏好; 策略性投票 偏好强度差别 偏好加总问题 加总方法 习俗 独裁 投


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