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教 学 设 计 Teaching Design 课题 Unit 3 Life in the future First Impressions 课型 R 主备人 教 学 目 标 知识与 技能 Understand the passage and get to know more about life in the future. Realize the writer’s attitude towards life in the future. Develop students’ reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills. 过程与 方法 Asking-and-answering activity to check Ss’ understanding. Individual, pair or group work to finish each task. 情感态度与价值观 Let students know about what life in the future might be like and stimulate their imagination; Develop the sense of protecting the earth. 教学 重点 Let the students discuss and predict the good and the bad changes in the future. 教学 难点 Develop students’ reading abilities and let them learn different reading skills. 教法 学法 Fast and careful reading; Asking-and-answering activity to check Ss’ understanding; Individual, pair or group work to finish each task; Discussion. 教学 用具 The blackboard, the textbooks PPT 板书 设计 Unit 3 Life in the future First Impressions Before the journey T The journey During the journey the air; the hovering carriage After the journey the computer; the leaves 教 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 Step I. Warming up Lead in the topic by the song “whatever will be will be”. Ask Ss about their predictions about future. [意图说明]通过活动让学生对话题产生兴趣,为之后的阅读和发现问题、解决问题做铺垫。 Enjoy the song have a free talk Step II. Reading 1. Fast reading Get the Ss to read the text quickly and get the general idea. [意图说明]标题导读和预览是指导英语阅读的重要方法。通过标题和文章结构,学生能初步了解文章的大致内容,学会抓住线索阅读文章。 2. Careful reading Task 1(before the journey):Ask students to read the first paragraph quickly and find out the answers to the questions in three minutes. Q1: Why did Li Qiang go into the future? Q2: How did he feel when he left his own time? Q3: How did he get to the year 3008? [意图说明]训练学生通过寻读获取特定信息的阅读技能,引导学生体会李强在旅行之前的感受。 Task 2(during the journey):Inside the capsule Ask students to read the second paragraph quickly, and then fill in the blanks. 1. They climbed in through a small _____


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