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Unit 1;  当我果断的打出“青春将逝”这四个字的时候,搜狗着实让我惊了一下,字栏里“蹭”的蹦出“青春将死”四个大字,看,连搜狗都在提醒着我,毅然决然的删除,依旧慢悠悠的码出“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜”的韵味。感性的人还是愿意相信那些青葱岁月只是像翻腾的江水一样流向远方了,而不是永生枯竭,不复还。      昨个,自己对自己进行了一番思想的洗礼,本来希望自己能在现有的思想基础上再提高一个档次,结果今早醒来得出结论:无聊的时候千万别多想!一旦思想的大闸门开了,那滔???的洪水必将淹没你现在的平静,我现在就是。和昨天的想法斗争了一上午,目前还在僵持,未分输赢。我觉得我一直以来是个挺敢想敢做的女子的,这些年究竟教会了我什么那?反而现在做事情前怕狼后怕虎了,是因为没有人会替自己承担那个未知的后果吧。      你的成长岁月里做过最大胆的事儿是什么?我细想了想,好像没有,很多事情都半途而废了,除了那年找工作的坚定誓不退缩,再也没有了,你们遗憾吗?我觉得挺遗憾的。如果我在曾经的时光里每件事都那么坚持了一下,现在我会在哪里,而你又在哪里?我们是不是都会变成小时候渴望成为的样子?      去年的夏至我似乎也在纠结和;Reading;Look at the pictures below. What are their problems?;losing his arms;losing her hearing;losing her sight; mental disability; Do you know anyone with a mental or physical disability? Does their disability make it difficult for them to do some things? What have they done to try to overcome these difficulties?;Do you know these people below and what disease they have? How do they face their life with disabilities? ;Steven Hawking;born mentally disabled with an IQ of a child;became disabled at the age of 5, taught herself English and took up writing in 1983.;Though named “杨光”, he has lived in a world of darkness since he was 8 months old.;Tai Lihua;What can you learn from them? ;Is it right for some members of society to get extra help because they have a disability?;Look at the pictures and read what these people have achieved even though they each have a disability. The following list might help you.;mental disability learning difficulty hearing problem difficulty with eyesight brain injury loss of an arm of a leg Down’s Syndrome infantile paralysis walking difficulty; Rosalyn loves sports. She is proud to have taken part in competitions and to have broken a record by running two laps (800 metres) this year. Her ambition is to become part of the national team for the next Paralympic Games. ; Richard has just passed his university entrance exams. He had the q


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