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Aspiro/Picofun: MTV Amour SMS Matchmaking Parameters include: gender, age, music Actions include: set, meet, match, kiss, flirt, hit, dance, yell, date, touch, lie… Act via a 1-5 scale Server interprets both actions and returns the result. “kiss 5〞 = “Adam gave Eva a long sucking kiss…〞 dating | Sweden | 2 players | SMS capable phones | 学习材料 Sony Ericsson: Naval Fleet Amazing new gameplay mechanic. Not really. It’s battleship. First generation multiplayer Bluetooth game works well at short distances. If you love battleship, get this phone now. Strategy/Luck | Sweden/Japan | 2 players | T68i | Bluetooth ????????????????????? 学习材料 Sorrent: Fox Sport On-Field Live 1st person sports is rare… a responsive one is more so. Mix of play calling and in-game action “bullet pass〞 option adds more depth to gameplay Special downs/scoring system to simplify shorten the game New 1v1 option! sports | USA | 1-2 players | J2ME | 学习材料 NEC - photo battler Fighting Game that uses the camera Using photos to create your characters Depending on the photo different attributes: life, power, speed You can add comments You can also infrared the photos and play against other people You can add comments and these will get transferred as your “warrior〞 if you IR the photo to someone else NEC used this game to promote features of their N504iS fighting | Japan | n players | J2ME + camera + IR | 学习材料 Bandai – Inu Tomo Inu Tomo Seems like a nice 3d graphic tamagotchi But there’s a hidden surprise if you keep playing! Also Love by Mail Virtual pet + | Japan | players | J2ME + 3D | 学习材料 Hudson/EA - SimCity Amazed this works on a phone Only 30k of code too! Also Chakushin Apuri Bomberman AquaZone simulation | Japan | n players | J2ME + network | 学习材料 Panasonic- どこでもフィシング Location based fishing game. The phone’s GPS is used in this game to send info to server You compete against other people in your area Bundled with the C3003P as a Brew app simulation | Japan | n players | BREW + GPS | 学习材料 Handfu


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