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Unit 1 My name’s Gina. Section B(2a—2c)阅读课 P.5 Teaching and Learning Goals: 功能:Express how to introduce one’s first name, last name and telephone number by using sentence patterns “My first name is …/My last name is …/My telephone number is…” . 词汇和常用表达Learn and use the words: first ,first name, last ,last name ,friend and China. 三、学习策略:Guide the students to master the reading and writing skills . 四、文化知识:Lead the students to learn to know about the differences between Chinese and foreign cultures and make friends. Teaching and learning steps : Pre-reading: Step One Preview 1. Review the words Ask the students to open their books to P5 and read 2b by themselves. Then say out these words and phrases orally according to the Chinese. If they can, they can close their books and write them down. 1)名字_____________ 2) 姓_____________ 3)电话号码_____________ 4)我的朋友_____________ 5)在中国_____________ 6)我的名字_____________ 7)她的名字_____________ 8)我的电话号码_____________ [操作说明] 先让学生根据汉语提示在课文中找到这些单词和短语,在短文中划出来,然后大声朗读并背诵,小组间可以进行PK。 [设计意图]让学生提前感知课文,掌握基本的单词和短语,便于学生理解和掌握课文。这种方法也可以促使学生养成必备的预习习惯,为其今后的学习打下基础。 2. Encourage the students to ask for their friends’ first names, last names and telephone numbers. Ask them to introduce their friends to others in class. [设计意图]让学生课下收集朋友的一些信息并在课上展示给其他同学,以全面理解课文,达到学以致用的目的。 Step Two: Warming up and leading in热身导入 1. Ask the students to say the words as quickly as they can. (炸弹游戏) [操作说明] 用幻灯片展示单词和短语,让学生每个单词或短语读三遍,之后,老师提问,老师提问英语,学生说出汉语意思,老师提问汉语意思,学生说出英语,但是作红色标记的一个单词和短语不管老师说什么,学生都不能出声,只能拍两下手。 [设计意图]因本节课要用到这几个单词和短语,故设计这个炸弹游戏让学生边做边读,既能复习单词又活跃气氛,让学生尽快进入学习状态。 2. T: Do you have friends? (学生回答有。) I have a good friend. (展示朋友的照片) T: Wow. She is a very beautiful girl. I want to introduce this friend.(利用填空形式引导学生说出单词,以此检查学生的预习效果,看学生对这几个单词及短语是否掌握:China, friend , first name. last name, telephone number, her name) T: Look at this man. Do you know him? (展示美国总统奥巴马的照


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