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In the decade of the 1930s even 在1930年的这十年中 the great city of Metropolis... 即使是像梅乔克力斯这般的大城 ...was not spared the ravages of the world-wide depression. 也无法抵挡全世界衰退的冲击 In the times of fear and confusion... 那时代充满了恐惧与迷惑 ...the job of informing the public was the responsibility... 通知大众的工作 ...of the Daily Planet. 就落在《星球日报》的身上了 A great metropolitan newspaper... 一份大都会的报纸 ...whose reputation for clarity and truth had become a symbol of hope... 因其慈善及真实性所生之信誉 ...for the city of Metropolis. 促使其成为大都会希望象征之所寄 This is no fantasy. 这不是幻想 No careless product of wild imagination. 一望无际的想像不需要留意 No, my good friends... 不需要 我的好友们 ...these indictments... 控诉必备的要件 ...lve brought you today... 今日我向你们所提的 ...specific charges listed herein against the individuals... 系指你们个人所犯之叛国罪 ...their acts of treason. Their ultimate aim of sedition. 以及妨害治安之罪行 These... 以上 ...are matters of undeniable fact. 均是无可否认之事实 I ask you now to pronounce judgment... 我要求你们念出 ...on those accused. 判决的内容 On this... 对这些被告 ...this mindless aberration... 对这个无情的叛离者 ...whose only means of expression are wanton violence and destruction. 他只想以暴hearts;力hearts;和破坏来表现其情感 On the woman Ursa... 对这个女人亚莎 ...whose perversions and unreasoning hatred of all mankind... 她对所有全体人类的曲解及不合理的仇恨心态 ...have threatened even the children of the Planet Krypton. 已经威胁到全体克普顿星球的儿童 Finally, General Zod. 最后一位是查德将军 Once trusted by this Council... 曾经是委员会信任的一员 ...charged with maintaining the defense of the Planet Krypton itself. 仍然背叛维持克普顿星球的辩护 Chief Architect of this intended revolution and author of this insidious plot... 创造者希望对这种预谋 establish a new order amongst us... 重新建立一项秩序所作之革命加以摧毁 ...with himself as absolute ruler. 好让自己仍然成为绝对之统治者 You have heard the evidence. 我们已经听过证据了 The decision of the Council will now be heard. 现在宣布判决的结果 Guilty! 有罪 Guilty! 有罪 Guilty! 有罪 The vote must be unanimous, Jor-EI. 本项表决具有敌意 乔艾尔 It has therefore now become your decision. 现在已经变成你的判决 You alone will condemn us if you wish... 如果你希望的话 你就判我们有罪吧 ...and you alone will be held responsible


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