Anything for Jackson《一切为了杰克森(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Anything for Jackson《一切为了杰克森(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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bgm来自 A Bicycle Built For Two ? 黛茜 黛茜 ? ? Daisy, Daisy ? ? 请给我你的答案 ? ? Give me your answer, do ? ? 我都快要抓狂 ? ? I'm half crazy ? ? 全都是因为我对你的爱 ? ? All for the love of you ? ? 我们的婚礼不会很气派 ? ? It won't be a stylish marriage ? ? 因为我买♥♥不起马车 ? ? I can't afford a carriage ? ? 但你会很可爱地 ? ? But you'll look sweet up on the seat ? ? 坐在双人自行车上 ? ? Of a bicycle built for two ? 如果现在我说了什么 Now, if I mention something, 你能保证对我客气点吗 do you promise to be civil about it? 每当你这么说的时候 When you say things like that, 我发现手里握着的锅柄 I notice I grip the handle of the pan 握得更紧了 just a little tighter. 并不是我不感谢 It's not that I don't appreciate 你为我和这个家付出的一切 everything that you do for me, and the family too. 你就直说吧 Out with it. 这一侧的褶边有点短 The hem is a bit short on one side. 是你看走眼了 You're blind. 你有留意时间吗 Are you keeping an eye on the time? 我时刻注意着 I'm paying attention. 但是你看 But look. 看这里 Look here. 和我做的没什么区别 They were the same when I did them. 是的 虽然这一切都很好 Yeah, but that's all well and good, 但当我在办公室 but I'll be at the office 我会看起来就像个说唱歌♥手 and I'll be looking like I'm some kind of rapper guy. 我非常怀疑有人竟然会 I highly doubt that anybody is ever going to 把你错认成说唱歌♥手 mistake you for a rapper guy. 现在几点了 What time is it? 亨利 她来了 快看 亨利 Henry, she's there. Come on, Henry. 她来的挺早 She's early. ? 我只需要你这样 ? ? That's all I need of you ? ? 我不想要一个盛大的婚礼 ? ? I don't want a fancy marriage ? ? 我不需要一个别致的马车 ? ? I don't need a fancy carriage ? ? 只要你和我两个人在座位上 ? ? Just you and me upon the seat ? ? 在你的双人自行车上 ? ? Of your bicycle built for two ? ? 黛茜 黛茜 ? ? Daisy, Daisy ? 小心点 注意台阶 Be careful. Watch your steps. 嘘 安静 Shh. Quiet. 小心孩子 Watch the baby. 不行 我控制不住她 I can't. I can't get 把她从我身上弄开 Get her off of me. 抓住了 走吧 Got it. Come on! 不 不 不 No, no, no! 嘘 安静一点 Shh. Keep quiet. ? 我都快要抓狂 ? ? I'm half crazy ? ? 全都是因为我对你的爱 ? ? All for the love of you ? ? 那将不会是个气派的婚礼 ? ? I won't have a stylish carriage ? 一切为了杰克森 Aloha的意思是你好和再见 "Aloha" means "hello" and "goodbye." Aloha 夏威夷人问候语 她醒了 She's up. 你好 我是奥德丽 Hello. My name is Au


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