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-20个问题(一种猜谜游戏) -开始 - Twenty questions. - Go. 是个男人 从政吗 You're a man. Are you in politics? 热啤酒 喝起来像尿 Warm beer. Tastes like piss. 陆地勇士 Road Warrior 该你了 宝贝 It's your turn, Babe. 活人还是死人? Dead or alive? 你不觉得就现在这种情况 这个问题很蠢吗 Don't you think that's a really stupid question these days? 他就是个混♥蛋♥ You know, he's kind of an asshole, 如果你愿意 我帮你教训他 But if you need me to take care of him, I will. 我都听见了 I can hear you. 在他们家就他最聪明 He's the one in the family with all the brains. 没错吧 Is that right? 离25号♥公路1英里 To 25 interstate 1 Mile. 前面是州际公路了 我们怎么走 All right, the interstate's coming up. What do we do? 别换路 继续走这条路 Don't get on it. Stay on this back road. 为什么每次你这样说之后 How come every time you say that, 我们总是瞎逛3小时哪儿都到不了 We end up in a three-hour scenic tour in the middle of nowhere? 我们有约在先的 对不对 Look, we agreed on the rules, didn't we? 我们约定什么了 And by taking it, we're breaking what? 我们约好不走州际公路的 The rule that says we shouldn't take the interstate. 一边喝酒一边开着偷来的奔驰 "I guess we wouldn't want to break any rules," he said, 还说 "我觉得我们不该坏了规矩" Drinking his beer as he drove the stolen Mercedes 同时荒谬地超速驾驶 看我不用手 Ridiculously over the speed limit, and, look, no hands! -宝贝 别这样 -停下来 - Babe, don't! - Stop! -停下来 你个笨蛋 -别这样 - Stop it, you moron! - Don't! 好了 聪明蛋 我来找路吧 All right, smartass, I'll read the map. 你认字吗 上面可全是字 Can you? It has actual writing on it. 真可笑 Very funny. 伙计们 Hey, guys. 大家把窗户关上 All right, windows, everybody. 这人到底想干什么 What the hell is this guy doing? 就我女儿和我 我们没油了 My daughter and I, we ran out of gas. 那么请你把车停到路边去 All right, sir, please move your car out of the road. 我们昨天早上从丹佛出发的 We left Denver yesterday morning. 最后一次加油是在科泉市 Last gas we got was Colorado Springs. 我们没法帮忙 把车挪走 I'm sorry, we can't help you. Now move your car! 我们只需要一丁点儿汽油 Look, all we need is just a little bit of gas. 我了解 每个人都想要 Yeah, I'm sure you do. You and everybody else. 待在那儿别动 Stay where you are! 我们可以交易啊 我又水和吃的 We can trade you for it. We got food and water. 布莱恩 我们的汽油绰绰有余 Brian, we have more th


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