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PAGE 4 初三英语作文写作指导教学设计 一、教学目标 1.通过本节课学习,学生能用英文写一篇介绍春节的100字左右作文。 2.通过学习,学生能够按照时间顺序,采用详略得当的方法完成关于节日的写作。 3.通过学习,学生对中国春节有更全面的认识,热爱中国的传统文化。 二、教学重难点 重点:用英文写一篇关于春节的作文。 难点:对中国传统节日有更深一层的认识,热爱中国的传统文化。 三、教学工具 多媒体课件 四、教学过程 Step1: Lead in Watch a video, and answer the question: What Chinese traditional festivals are mentioned in the video? 设计意图:让学生了解中国的传统节日有哪些,为本节课的春节写作做铺垫。 Step2:Free talk Of all the Chinese traditional festivals, which one do you like best? 设计意图:由传统节日,过渡到本节课春节的写作。 Step3: Presentation 1. When you see the title—The Spring Festival, what’s the first thing that come into your mind? Discuss in pairs, and write one or two things on the paper.Then put up the paper on the board. 设计意图:让学生讨论并回想春节的准备或活动,为下面的作文写作打下基础。并让学生观察,春节活动如此多,写作时,不能面面俱到,而是要有选择地写。并抓住一两件事详细展开。 2. Let the students look at the screen, and find the similarities about the preparations or the activities. The red ones all happen before the New Year’s Eve, the purple ones all happen on the New Year’s Eve, and the blue ones all happen after the New Year’s Eve. 设计意图:出示第二个写作技巧:按照时间顺序写作文。 3. Show the main parts of the composition, and tell the students what each part should be about, especially the ending. 设计意图:让学生明白作文的各个部分都应该写什么。 4. Brief summary. 设计意图:对本节课的两个写作技巧进行归纳总结,出示汉语,确保每个学生都懂。 Step4:Practice Show some beautiful sentences and let the students fill in the blanks, then recite the sentences. 设计意图:降低写作难度,让学生背诵记忆一些优美的词句,以辅助写作。 Step5: Writing 1. Discuss in groups and decide who writes the preparations before the New Year’s Eve, who writes the activities on the New Year’s Eve, who writes the activities after the New Year’s Eve, and who writes the ending. 2. Discuss in groups and dicide which preparations or activities your group will write and which one you will write in detail. 设计意图:让学生学会小组合作,学生自行安排自己写什么,对于一些学困生会选择一些比较容易的部分,而学优生会主动承担难度较大部分的写作。这样既降低了写作的难度,又让每个学生都参与其中。体现了学生的差异性。 3. Write the composition. Step6: Show time Choose one group, and let them show their works. When showing ,correct the mistakes, and



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